page twenty-three

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I smiled to myself as I walked out the hospital. I held onto Nicolas's hands, not daring to let it go, like if I did then something bad might happen to it. Nicolas had fully woken up three days but for medical reason he stayed an extra few days. Once he did wake up, the madrid police had arrived, coming in with questions. I alerted them about Irina. They asked Nicolas questions about the poisoning, he revealed that Irina had given him what he thought was cheese pizza, plain cheese pizza. They later filed a warrant for her arrest which they recovered and the media soon had a field day once they found out that the famous super-modeling girlfriend of the Cristiano Ronaldo got arrested for poisoning of his son.

I told Nicolette that I would pick Nicolas up from the hospital while she prepared lunch for us. We grew a whole lot closer after that couple of weeks ago. It was a surprise that we slept together, I didn't think she attracted to me or had any sort of feelings for me in that way left in her at all. I honestly thought she was attracted to sergio and wanted to be with him.

Which brings me to him. Sergio Ramos tried his hardest to court Nicolette after he returned from Dubai. He wanted her to be his girlfriend, but every time his tried to hatch up a plan to get her like calling those roses shop again, I tried to sabotage it without being too obvious with it. I was way too into sabotaging him and his plans that it flew over my mind that the Balloon D'or ceremony was coming up in a few days time. It was already January 2015 and the only thing that changed in my life to be honest was Irina gone.

I opened the back car doors for Nicolas and shut it tightly once he was in. I proceeded to the front of the car and started the cars once both mine and Nicolas's seat belts were on. "daddy, can we stop at Mcdonald's?"

I looked at Nicolas through the rearview mirrors. "no nicky, your mother is making lunch at home."

"but I want chicken nuggets." he whined from the back.

"you just came fresh out of the hospital and the first thing you want to do is eat fast food?" I asked.

"yeah." He nodded. "please?"

"nicolas, you know that food is not good for you." I chuckled.

"Please please please please please please " it went on like that for five minutes, the kid had unlimited supply of oxygen. I was out of breath just listening to him.

I rolled at my eyes as I couldn't believe I was actually turning into the parking lot of the first McDonald's I saw on the road. never has anyone seen me at McDonald's and here I was. He was really turning me soft because never in a million years would I have came within distance of this building of diabetes.

I didn't even park the car, I proceeded through to the drive through where I was hoping no one can recognize me and I could go on with my day with out be recognized.

"I can't believe I just did that." I said once I rolled out of the restaurant and back onto the main roads of madrid. I looked through the rearview window once again at my son. "I don't know how you can eat that."

"like this." He plopped a french fry in his mouth. "Mhm delicous."

"what a smart mouth you've got there." I chuckled. "you're mother will kill you."

"she'll kill you too, you bought it for me." where all this cheekiness came from, I don't know.

"Marcelo and Pepe came and visited you way too much." I chuckled.

within 10 minutes I pulled into my driveway where Nicolette's car was still parked. I turned off the car, I unclicked my seatbelt and got out the car.

"you bought him Mcdonald's?" Nicolette scowled once we reached the dining room where she was.

"He asked for it." I pointed at Nicolas.

"And you gave it to him?" She had her hands on her hips.

"What was I supposed to do? tell him no?" I asked.

"Yeah, be a parent not a friend." She said. "You're supposed to be his father, not his best friend."

"It's just McDonald's Nicolette jeez, calm down." I rolled my eyes, grinning at her.

"It's just McDonald's today, then tomorrow it'll be smoking then having sex." She threw her hands up in the air, she was cute when she was babbling on about nonsense.

"he's not even 10 yet and you are talking about that?" I put both my hands on her shoulders squeezing it. "calm down, I won't do it again okay."

"I am calm, Cristiano." She said.

I grinned, pulling her body forward and giving her a peck on the lips. It wasn't a big deal. After we slept together we began being more affectionate towards one another like touching each others hands and giving pecks here and there. We weren't together or anything but we weren't just friends either. I turned to the side to see niclolas, his mouth was wide open with a fry in mid air. He seemed surprised.

"you okay, buddy?" I chuckled.

"ew you just kissed mom, now you have cooties." He said. "all girls have cooties."

"I have cooties?" Nicolette laughed, she squirmed out of my grasp and ran over to him hugging him and repeatedly kissing his face. "now you have cooties too."


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