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"Good morning Caroline." I greet the receptionist and the only response I get is an eye roll.

She always does that. Did I do something wrong to her?

"Elizabeth. Boss is not here yet." She speaks, always speaks in a bored tone. She takes out a gum from her bag and starts chewing it.

Oh. Okay.

I place my bag on the floor and start working.

Knock! Knock!

"Come in." I say absentmindedly.

"Hey Elizabeth. Is Eric here yet?" I look up and see Richard leaning by the door.

"Hey Richard. No, he's not here yet but should be here soon." His face shows confusion. Huh? What happened?

"Really? So he decided to take a half day today? He never does that."

Half day? How's that possible? I look at the time and what I see makes my face pale.

"Oh my God!!! It's lunch time!" I exclaim. "And he's not here yet. How did I miss this?" I ask myself.

"I don't know. Did you call him?" I shook my head.

Wow. Time really goes fast. I was so engrossed in my own work that I didn't realize that he's not here yet and it's lunch time.

All this time I didn't even rang in his office once.

Good job Beth. Good job.

I take out my phone from my bag and call Rick. He picks up after seven rings.

"Hey Eric, whe-"

"Good night." He cuts the call.


"He cut my call. The asshole cuts my call. Who does that?!"

Richard raises his arm in surrender. "Geez. Calm down woman. What did he say?"

"Good night." His brows furrow in confusion.

"Good night?" I nod my head.

"Well I guess it's time to give him a surprise visit." He smirks.


Richard and I reach Eric's penthouse. Instead of pressing the doorbell, I take out the key and unlock the door.

Yeah.... We exchanged keys last week on New year's Eve. I had to stop myself from jumping in excitement in front of him, but I did jump in excitement when I reached back home.

We enter the penthouse and meet with silence.

It's way too silent here. It's not supposed to be silent. Lydia is supposed to greet us but it looks like she's not here.

I remove my heels to avoid any sort of noise and tip toe to the living room. Richard follows my actions.

"Hmmm-Hmmmm" What the hell?! Is somebody crying or moaning? The sound echoes all over the penthouse.

"Do you know what is going on here?" I whisper to Richard. He shakes his head.

"Hmmm-Hmmmm" The sound is coming from Eric's room. Is he moaning?

Oh my God!! Is he cheating on me?

I grab the nearest flower vase and march to his bedroom. Luckily his bedroom door was unlocked and I burst it open in anger.

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