CHAPTER 45: Shooting star

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I look at the alarm clock and see that there's only fifteen minutes remaining for Eric to reach here and take me to the 'open ground' for a 'surprise'.

Since it's a bit chilly outside, I'm wearing a red top with a blue sweater and black denims. I complete my look with my brown boots and a bit of lip balm and moisturizer. I grab my bag and head out of the room.


I take out my phone and see that it's a message from Eric.

' I'm outside ur building. '

I say goodbye to Ari and step out of the building only to see a gorgeous Eric leaning on his car.

"Shall we leave Mr King?" I smirk at him.

"We shall." He opens the passenger side's door for me and then he walks to the driver's side. We soon take a turn to the highway.

Highway? That's far....

"Umm... Eric? Where are we going?" I look around and see that there are very few cars on the road.

He stays silent for few minutes and opens his mouth to speak. "Do you trust me?"

Why is he asking me this? Can't he see that I've shared all my pain with him?

"Do you trust me Liza?" He asks me again.

"Yes." I reply.

"Then trust me now." I don't say anything and only hum in response.

If he asking me to trust him, then I will. I look out of the window and see that we are near the countryside of the city.

It's so beautiful. I've never been on this side of the city. The sky is dark and I could clearly see the stars. Eric takes a sharp left and parks the car between two other cars.

Huh? Why is this area so crowded?

He takes out a picnic basket and a mat from the back seat.

"What are we doing here?" I ask him but he grabs my hand and pulls me to the crowd.

We enter the gates and I see a huge ground with many people either sitting or lying on the ground. Families, couples, friends, children and even old people are there on the ground.

What's so special going on here?

I turn to Eric and give him a quizzical look.

"Come on, let's find an empty spot." He pulls me to a corner which had a clear view of the sky.

He spreads the mat and places the basket in the corner. He then takes off his shoes, makes himself comfortable and sits on the mat. He pats on his left, motioning me to join him.

After making myself comfortable on the ground, I ask him again.

"What are we doing here?"

"Are you hungry? I made sandwiches and chocolate cookies. Wait let me take those out." He grabs the basket but I stop him.

"I'm not hungry. Will you please tell me what are we doing here?" I give him my puppy dog eyes.

"Oh. Then would like something to drink? I have cranberry juice, some low alcohol content wine and chocolate milkshake. Or do you feel cold?"


"I did not bring a sweater but I can give you my jacket cause I'm pretty warm though. Here." He takes off his jacket and wraps it on me.

"Eric...I don't need your jacket. Will please tell me why are we here?" I take off his jacket and give it back to him.

"Okay....Okay fine can you please be patient for a few more minutes?" He looks at me with pleading eyes.

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