-Class-Fight- (2

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I put my light on and tried to find Crybaby and Angelita in the huge maze of blankets. 'Anglita? Naida?' I heard Crybaby say. 'I'm right here, can you guys hear me?' Angelita responded. 'Yeah I can! Where are you?' I yelled. Well, not yelled, more like whisper-yelled. 'I'm trying to follow your voice...' Angelita said. 'There you are!' We all greeted each other in a small place to sit. 'So, that new boy, Brandon? What do you guys think about him?' I asked. 'He's nice, but that doesn't matter now, i got that thrown at my head.' Crybaby said, while handing me and Angelita a paper. 'Who drew this?' asked Angelita. 'That girl Kelly. I think she's trying to like, rip my head off or something.' Crybaby responded. I gave her a stern look. 'You gotta defend yourself!' I told her. 'But i can't defend myself! I don't know how to fight! I just- i don't even know how to do that and-' Crybaby's rant got interrupted by Angelita slapping her in the face, while telling her to 'hold it together girl!'. 'We are capable of doing whatever we want, remember?', Angelita continued, making a small flame appear in the palm of her hand. Crybaby was silent for a few seconds, and then said: 'no. I can't do that. It's cheating!' And she put some water over the flame. 'Do you really think we would have these abilities if we weren't supposed to use them?' I asked Crybaby, while Angelita nodded to show she agreed with me. 'I don't know! I just feel like i'd have an unfair advantage' Crybaby said, not agreeing with what I said. 'Well, why don't you call your mom and ask her what she thinks you should do?' Angelita asked. I thought about my mom. I wonder what she's doing right now. Drugs or a man? Who knows.


'Oh hi there Crybaby! Hey Angelita!' i happily said as i saw my friends sitting in the playground. It was recess, and were allowed to play outside for some time.
'Hi Naida! Meet Brandon!' Crybaby said, pointing towards a boy sitting in between Angelita and herself. I remembered him as the guy on the bus.
'I'm Naida!' 'Brandon'. We gave each other a quick smile and I sat down.
'Hey, where's Jonah?' Angelita asked. 'I don't know, he said he had an appointment with Mrs Daphne or something' i answered while making a sandcastle. 'Well... alright' Angelita said again, sounding almost disappointed.
'did you see what she was wearing? Like it was embarrassing for everyone' i heard Kelly say in the background. 'Not as embarrassing as your face' I shouted as i stood up.

I'm sorry for such a short chapter, but here you go. I stopped it here, because I felt like maybe the (class) fight could be triggering? I have some friends that really didn't like the part so I thought maybe some of the readers think the same about it, idk. Just let me know if I should or shouldn't post it!! And stay safe❣️

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