-Class-Fight- (1

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"Mommy, why do I feel sad?"

I TURNED towards the door and saw Crybaby and Angelita walking in. Late. "Damn they are in trouble", I thought as Jonah poked me. I faced him and gave him the Death Glare. 'What?' 'The teacher is snorting some white shit. It's either cocaïne or a smashed crayon.' I looked over to the teacher and saw that she WAS in fact snorting up something. I did a dumb imitation of her but quickly stopped as she started talking.

'Class, would you like to inform Crybaby and Angelita of what rule they did not follow today?'

I sniffed and said the same thing the rest of the class said; 'when the bell rings, you must be in your assigned seat' everyone spoke in a tired way. Which is pretty logical, considering this school is absolute trash and boring as hell. So yeah, I could say it WAS gonna be as bad as I thought. My thought got interrupted by Mrs. Daphne speaking up again.

'What are ya deaf? Sit your asses down!' She said in a annoyed and angry voice, which made me shiver. 'Sorry Mrs. Daphne' Crybaby and Angelita said in sync as they sat down behind me and Jonah. Short after that I heard an annoying sound coming from the speaker. "Oh not again" I thought to myself as the speaker was speaking. I mean- the person with the- okay nevermind. "All must stand for the pledge of allegiance" everyone stood up and put their hand on their chests. Except for one boy. I forgot his name. 'Henry! On your feet!' Mrs. Daphne said. 'I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands'... i drifted off to a conversation Henry and Mrs. Daphne were having. 'I'm being generous with you, boy' Mrs. Daphne said, getting real pissed. 'Last chance to stand'. But Henry, poor Henry did not stand up and clenched his jaw as everyone sat down.

'You hear that? Liberty and justice for all?' Henry spoke, lookin straight forward. He turned his head towards Mrs. Daphne and spoke; 'that's bullshit'. Mrs. Daphne looked at him, and walked towards her desk. She pushed a button and a bell rang. A few seconds later two men walked in. I looked at them as I saw them walking towards Henry. "Grab the boy!" "Get this one!" I heard them say. Each of them took Henry by his arms, and they dragged him out, Henry screaming to let him go. The door slammed shut and everything went quiet. I quickly turned back to my work again and Jonan let out a deep sigh. "Fuck this school" I heard him whisper.

After I few minutes of working, I saw Kelly the thot "dropping" her pencil. She got off of her chair and picked it up. The slutty way. I think she did it to intimidate new guy. Brandon, is his name. When Kelly smiled at him -still standing- Mrs. Daphne screamed at her to sit down. She deserved that. I focused on my work again, but quickly got interrupted by a pink piece of paper getting thrown at Crybaby, who was sitting right across me. She looked at the paper and I heard a few girls laugh. 'What does it say Crybaby?' I whispered. But our almost-conversation got cut off by Mrs. Daphne slapping me in the face with a ruler. 'No talking in class!' She said. "That shit hurt!" I thought to myself, as I put my hand up to the place where she slapped me; On my right cheek. I could see Jonah staring at me, with an expression I couldn't exactly describe. He was probably just worried, and maybe even mad. Crybaby's eyes met mine. We will discuss everything when it's nap time. Both our eyes quickly turned black and went back to normal.

The teacher got a bloody nose and walked out of the classroom, just after she wrote "NAPTIME" on the board. I made eyecontact with Crybaby and Angelita and dove under my covers.


Hi! This is part 1, because of course class fight takes really long! Part 2 will be up in a week or so, love you guys! ❤️

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