Chapter 17 Stop

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As I stretch, my back cracks in multiple spots, which feel really nice. I groan and roll over. I mumble some incoherent words and start drifting off again.

But then I hear my echo. 

I shield my eyes as I open them. 

Jack's sitting in the chair beside my desk.

I shoot up. "What are you doing?!"

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"Why are you in here?"

"Can I not wait for my mate to wake up?"

"No, you cannot."

"Why's that?" He smirks when I don't answer.

I rack my mind for an answer.

"That's what I thought." His expression immediately goes stern.

Oh no. What did I do now?

"Why are you taking the pills?"

I stutter for an explanation. "Wh-what?"

"Why are you taking them, Ellana?" He doesn't look like he's gonna let this go.

"I don't know-"

"Ellana!" He stands up, sending the chair flying into the wall.

I pull my blankets up to my chin.

Damon rushes into my room. He looks angry. "What the hell did you do?!" he fumes. At first I think he's talking to me, because he runs over to me, and checks me over. But then I realize he's talking to Jack.

Jack looks over to me. "We're not done." Then he walks out of my room with his jaw clenched.

I scoff and mimic him, "We're not done... Newwww."

Damon lifts up my chin. "Are you okay?"

"Yes. He's just being a dick and being nosy."

"Well, I mean, that's sort of his job as your mate. If he feels he needs to protect you from something, I suggest you listen."

"Why are you siding with him? I thought you were on the Ellana team," I frown.

"I'm not taking sides. I'm simply stating that as a luna, you should listen to the alpha."

"That's called taking sides."

"Whatever. Just take my advice, please."

I sigh. 

He gets up and walks through my doorway, closing the door behind him.

I tumble out of bed, landing on my hands and knees. I get a little lightheaded. And it's all gone all over again.


Sparks shoot up through my body as I'm lifted into the air.

I hear, "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have left. I just need to put you back in bed."

"No..." I moan. "No."

"Yes, I do. You're not feeling good. I'm going to get you some Advil." I'm set down on my bed again. My eyes flutter open just enough to see Jack running away. Wuss.


I'm shaken awake.


I keep falling asleep, just to be woken up again. I mean, like, let a girl get her sleep or you're not going to be alive for much longer.

I'm hoisted up into a sitting position. My eyes are still closed, because I'm attempting to get my beauty rest.

I lay down on something that is definitely not my pillow. But, without hesitation, I can guess it's Jack. I get covered with my blanket, and he wraps an arm around my stomach.

"Go to sleep, Prinzessin. We'll talk about Atticus later." (Princess)

My ears perk up at that. "Why did you tell me..."

"I do it to everybody. Don't take it personally."

I nod.


I wake up in a cold sweat. I sit up immediately.

Jack shifts underneath me. 

I climb out of my bed and stumble to the door.

Jack grabs my arm and picks me up. I grumble to him about my stomach and he shushes me. Uh, excuse me?

He walks out of my bedroom and down the staircase. 

"She... doctor... okay."

I can only get bits and pieces of the conversation. I try to put the pieces together.

"You... sure..."

Some sniffling is heard.

I mumble an 'I love you, Mom' in her direction. It can only be her. 

"...Leave... Back... Sorry..."

My mother comes over to me and plants a kiss on my cheek.

Then I'm taken outside. I shiver against the wind. My eyes are burning through my eyelids because of how bright it is outside.

My back is being rubbed, and I'm handed to somebody else. By his scent, it's Damon.

I hug him lightly. He murmurs some things into my ear about staying calm, and how everything was gonna be alright.

I yawn. I'm really tired, and I pray that Aubrey can hear me. I know she can't, though. Too late for that. There's a loud noise in the distance. All the sudden I feel light droplets all over me. I start seeing stars. My body goes limp. I can't move anymore.

Jack takes me into his arms again, very carefully.

I'm lain down in what I'm guessing is the vehicle. I can't open my eyes. It's like they're glued shut. The heat is blasting. I'm becoming dazed.

One door closes, two more open then close. My head is lifted then set on Jack's lap. The engine revs, and that's it. 



I pick her up gently, careful not to stir her from her sleep.

The nurse runs out. "Alpha Jack." She bows slightly in her rush. "I got Damon's call. Do you mind if we take her in?"

A stretcher is brought out.

"No," I growl. "I'm staying with her."

"Of course." The nurse rushes to my side and ushers me in. She leads me to the infirmary and opens the double doors.

"Lay her down here, Alpha Jack."

I growl, but set her down anyway, because I want her to get better. It's not like I know what to do.

"Alpha, would you like to stay with Ellana?"

"Yes. of course I would! She's my mate!"

"I'm sorry, Alpha. How inconsiderate of me."

The doctor comes in after a couple minutes.

"What are you doing?! Help her!" I yell.

He nods and hooks her up to a couple of machines after awhile.

They're all so slow, and it's infuriating. She could be dying, for all I know.

"Is there anything you can tell us about her situation?" The doctor asks. "It would be helpful to-"

"She took medication to shut out her wolf." I run my tongue on the inside of my bottom lip and nod. "I don't know why, okay? But that's what she did. Now, her wolf's dying! Hurry your fat ass up, and save her! Jesus Christ!"

He nods and rushes over to her bedside.

I swear to the mother fuckin' Moon Goddess, if she doesn't survive, I'm killing myself to go personally murder the Moon Goddess. 

I grip my hair until the point where I'm scared I might actually yank it out.

I look at my mate.

The heart monitor stops.

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