Chapter 11 Tag... Really?

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Two weeks later


"Do you need anything?" he asks.

I shake my head.

He nods, closing the door behind him.

"Wait, Jack."

The door opens slowly. Jack has his cheeks puffed up with air.

"Uh... one thing?"

"Whoa, okay. I knew I was beautiful, but, so soon?"

I throw his phone at him.

I've been here for awhile. And, I admit, I may like him a teensy- weensy bit.

"Aye! That's where it went! You really have to stop stealing it. Honestly."

"Go downstairs and get me some coke."

"You want some? I have some in my drawer."

"Let me say it again. Can you get me some Coca Cola?"

"Oh, well, you see... That's not what you said."

"Yes, it is."

He walks away leaving the door open.

"Also some chips!" I don't even know if he has any. "Oh, and pizza!"

I hit the play button on the remote and Friends continues.

A couple minutes later, he comes up with a plate of gold. Translation: food. I reach out for it.

"You're such a child," he chuckles.

"I know. I'm also a werewolf. Give me the booty."

"I believe the term for this is loot. You, wunderschönen, have the booty." (beautiful)

"Stop being an ass wipe, and hand over my food."

"I am not an ass wipe."

"Yes, you are."

"No, I'm not. Call me something better."

"Hm, let's see..." I tap my finger on my chin. "Hoe bag."

"Uh?!" He sets a hand over his chest.

"What else? Thinking... Processing... Coding... Eating apples..."

"Eating apples? Really?"

"Noo, I hate apples. Oh! I got one..." I burst into a fit of hysterical giggles. "Baby frog toes!" I resume my maniacle laughter.

"What the hell? What's that supposed to mean?"

"I- I d- I dunno..." I take a breather. "It's just funny. "Baby... hah! I can't. Omigod." I wipe a tear from my face. "Baby frog toes!!!"

He raises and eyebrow, because when I yelled it the last time, I may have squealed.

"What... the fuck is wrong with you?"

I shrug.

He sits on the bed beside me, reaching over me to set my precious food on the dresser.

"What are we watching," Jack asks.

"Me and my food?"

"I'm here, too, y'know. You're in my bed."

"That you so conveniently lent me!"

"Well, I'm here now. Now, what are we watching?"

Told you he says now a lot.


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