Forever Oneday

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Those three words were the last thing I expected to hear. She looked at me with such sincerity, such confidence. My Angel, this amazing woman, loved me, a monstrous demon. She saw past all my sins and was still able to love me. I felt something in me swell. I never in a million years would have believed I could feel this strongly about another person. I don't remember ever feeling love or joy, just loss and pain. She was my world, she was the one thing I never knew I needed. I never wanted to go back to a time when I didn't have her.

"You don't have to say it bac...."

"I love you, Aubrey. Angel, I never want to go another day without you. The way I feel for you is more than love. I feel like I wasn't even living until I met you and if you ever left..." she reached up touching my cheek.

"I will never leave you." I took her wrist gently in my hand and looked over her arm before leaning down kissing the wounds.

"Angel, one day when this is all over, I want to be with you forever." She smiled up at me.

"I want that too, Xavier."

Destroying a Monster (Xavier)Where stories live. Discover now