Well Damn

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We had been going to the bar every night that I was in town. It was a great distraction. I'd just got back from Florida but still was determined to go out. I had been taking more jobs out of town for work just to be away, to get my shit together since that night. Chase was the only one that had asked about the girl. I told him I took care of it and nothing more.
It was about one when I wanted to leave. We walked out and I heard screaming but I couldn't find the source of it so I ignored it. Clutch hit my arm.

"What?" I looked at him but he was looking towards the coffee shop.

"Is that the Riders?" He asked. I glanced over and took a closer look. They were surrounding someone. I started that way just because I would love any excuse to hit that son of a bitch. When I got closer I saw him back up from the person before drawing back and knocking the shit out of them. The person fell, and I realized that it was a girl by the hair that fell around her on the ground.

"Hey," They turned towards us. He smiled seeing me.

"Perfect timing, did someone come to save his damsel in distress?"

"What?" I asked confused.

"You know I would have never believed that the big bad Xavier would take an interest in the local good girl." I was really confused now. What was he talking about? He saw my confusion and stepped to the side. I looked to see the girl.

"Is that..." I heard Chase start to ask but I couldn't focus on him. It was her. The girl. The one that kept getting thrown into my damn life. I felt the anger rising inside me. Why her? Why was she always in the middle? I stepped towards him ready to kill him. I reached for my gun, not even caring about the street cameras that could identify me if he ended up dead. I had never been caught for a crime and I have committed plenty, but, seeing her there I didn't think twice. I saw him reach back for his too. He took his gun and pointed it to her body on the ground. I froze.

"Pull out your gun. I dare you." He challenged.

"What do you want?" I asked through my teeth.

"I have what I want. Something to take from you. Someone that you actually let close to you." I smirked.

"You have no idea how wrong you are." I'd never let her get close if anything, I have been trying to keep her the hell away from me.

"Oh really? You may be too stupid to see it but I'm not. I have seen you with her. You have been very interested in her and you can't even admit it to yourself. I mean come on. Why did you let her go that night? I almost thought I was wrong when I saw you choking her but damn if you didn't turn around and make sure she was okay. You fooled your whole club and couldn't even fool me. I saw the way you looked at her. I saw you two talking at the coffee shop." I felt a couple of my guys looking at me questioningly. I ignored them.

"You're a fucking idiot."

"Oh? Then why don't you let me kill her?" I kept my face emotionless and looked straight at him. "It's almost Halloween. I think I may just decorate the sidewalk with her brains. What do you think?" He was waiting for me to react if I did he would think he had something against me if I didn't he would probably just kill her. I was honestly stuck. A big part of me wanted to tell him to do it. It would be easy, everything would go away. The guilt, the feelings, the hiding like a bitch. I looked down at her trying to force the words out 'do it'.

I couldn't do it. The thought of her being dead made the world seem darker. Damn it. Damn her. Damn him. Damn her for getting in the way. Damn her for being nice. Damn him for being a fucking stalker. Damn me for putting her in the middle of this.

"Awfully low for you." Chase stepped up. "You're wanting to kill the girl but don't even have the balls to do it while she is awake. You're such a pussy, too scared to see the light leave her eyes." My fist tightened, reacting to his words. But I knew what he was doing. He was buying time trying to think of something to throw Jeff off. It worked. He pointed the gun at Chase. Chase pointed his back.

"Hey, break it up no fighting in the streets!" They looked to see who was calling to us but I kept my eyes on Jeff.

"Police." Clutch said. I'd never felt so relieved to hear that. Jeff sneared.

"Guess we have to finish this later." He turned and looked at the girl kicking her limp body to the side with his foot as he walked by and smirked before leaving with the rest. I didn't move till he was gone. When he was, I looked to the ground at her body. Chase was already on the ground beside her. He moved her hair to look at her face. Her eye was black and there was blood coming from her mouth.

"Hey I know her, that's the girl from the coffee place." One of them said. "She made me a muffin today." I ignored the dumb ass comment.

"Do we leave her?" Clutch asked.

"Are you serious? We can't leave her, Xavier." Chase said looking at me. I ignored both of them and leaned down to her. I felt weird. I wanted to destroy everything seeing her like that. I had been numb and liked it that way but no, she had to fucking run into me! And now, seeing her like this, I felt like burning the world. I picked her up. Her body was limp and it scared me. I saw her keys on the ground and looked at the guys.

"Blade, get her keys." He did and he unlocked the doors. I put her in the back seat. Her shirt was torn down the front showing her bra. I took off my jacket and laid it over her. "Drive her to my house." He nodded and started to get in the car. I grabbed his arm. "And don't fucking think about touching her, got it?" He nodded again and got in the car. I went to get on my bike and follow him.

"What's going on?" Chase asked me.


"Oh it's just a coincidence then? The same girl what had your wallet being attacked by the Riders." I grabbed him.

"I said it's nothing." He pushed me off.

"Dude, just tell me. I don't care if you know her but..." I glared at him.

"I don't." I yelled.

"What's her name?" Clutch asked.

"I don't know." I muttered before getting on my bike and leaving they followed. I got back as Blade was getting out of her car. He picked her up out of the back making sure that my jacket stayed wrapped around her. I went towards the door to open it for him.

"Take her to my room." I said. Not really sure why because there was like three free rooms in the house. It took everything in me not to go back into town and find and kill every single one of them. I didn't have a plan and I didn't have an aliby.

Aunt Rose came down the hall as Blade was carrying her. She froze.

"What happened?"

"It wasn't us." I said answering her real question. She followed Blade to my room and looked over her when he put her down.

"Oh my God, Xavier."

"It wasn't us!" I growled. She walked to the bathroom across the hall and came back with a washcloth and a first aid kit. She sat on the bed and started cleaning her up. I left the room not wanting to see her like that. I went to my office slamming the door behind me.

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