Chapter 19 [edited]

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Friday arrived after a week of avoiding both Jacob and Bella the best that I could; with the wolf pack out every night hunting Victoria and Bella keeping to herself in her room when she wasn't at school, it wasn't difficult to do. The empty feeling had taken its place in Bella's chest when Jacob was gone, busy with the pack; she would never admit it out loud but I knew her. I knew she was only trying to make sure I didn't get hurt.

When I wasn't at school or the bakery, I spent time with Emily, always making sure to arrive after Jacob left and leaving before he came back; surprise visits resulted in me scouring into the attic that the boys knew nothing about. At least, Jacob didn't know. If he did, he didn't say anything.

"Hey, baby girl." Mom appeared in the doorway of my bedroom, her eyes meeting mine in the vanity mirror as I finished applying a little bit of eyeliner and mascara. "Is there anything you need before I head off to the bakery? Have everything for your date with Noah?"

"I'm good," I smiled, twisting around in my chair to face her. "Thank you for letting me go out tonight, by the way."

"I can't keep you in the house forever." Mom said wearily. "Besides, I like Noah. He's a good kid, and I think after the week you've had, you deserve a night out."

The doorbell rang just then, interrupting whatever Mom was going to say next. We grinned at each other and Mom turned away to go answer the door before glancing back at me.

"Promise me you'll have a good time tonight. No worrying about your stalker, no worrying about Jacob or Bella. Focus on yourself and being happy."

"I promise I will."

As Mom headed down the stairs, I stood up from the vanity and took a deep breath, releasing it slowly. Grabbing my jacket and purse from my desk, I hurried after Mom, smiling brightly at Noah as he entered the house.

"Hello, Mrs. Watson. Autumn," he greeted us warmly. "Autumn, you look beautiful."

"Thanks," I blushed, shifting my gaze down to the burgundy sweater I had paired with a dark blue pair of jeans. "I wasn't sure what you had planned tonight, so I picked something that was comfortable and cute."

"It's perfect for what I have planned." Noah promised, holding out his arm. "Shall we get going?"

"Be safe tonight! Call me if you need anything!" Mom called after us as we headed outside to Noah's car.

"So, what are we doing tonight?" I asked as Noah backed out of my driveway, waving to Mom one last time before driving off.

"I was thinking we could go bowling," Noah replied, a small smile on his lips. "It's a great, no-pressure first date activity."

"I love that idea." I smiled back. "It's been forever since I went bowling!"

"Bowling it is, then."

When we arrived to the bowling alley, Noah hurriedly parked the car and practically ran around to the passenger side, pulling the door open before I could even reach for the handle. He extended one hand out to me, carefully pulling me to my feet and making sure I was good before shutting the car door behind me.

"Thank you," I said as he held his arm out for me to hold onto on our way through the parking lot. "You know, most guys don't hold doors open for their dates nowadays."

"Most of them also weren't raised by traditional families." Noah pointed out. "It's a shame really. If most guys treated their girls with respect and doting affection, life would probably be a lot more happier for them."

"You have no idea..." my voice trailed off as I thought about my parents; my father stopped treating my mom with respect the minute he began his affairs, which should have been the first red flag for me all those years ago. I shook my head to put the thoughts away. "I hope you don't ever stop being chivalrous in your life. Women in your future will appreciate it so much more."

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