Chapter 42: Fighting, Sparring, Battle

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Fire Temple

It had been five day, five days since the Fire Lord had supposedly left to some sort of council. Five days, and mayhem had erupted.

The wide, central room they were all in at this time, was an absolute mess. Clothes were strewn all over the floor, plates of food lay abandoned in the corner, and speckles of blood spattered across the floor like a canvas. Blood. Blood! Rav clutched his forehead, why on earth is there blood on the floor?

Arms folded, back leaning against the wall and lips firmly closed, he looked at the answer in front of him. Three days into the Fire Lord's disappearance, his siblings had discovered a fun game called, 'train for any attack without using our abilities because we can't'. At first, he'd been all for it and even encouraged it – whilst they were in here, they may as well. But, by the end of the first day, he'd realised his terrible mistake.

Within the five days, they'd been able to call on their father a lot, so of course they'd told him about the idea. And, of course, he'd agreed to help them. He was an experienced warrior after all. But with nothing else to really do, these mock battles soon turned gruelling as thorn had pushed them more and more.

Elena had come several times so far, however, never when they were training or when Thorn was in the room – strangely enough. She had just come to talk, to catch up, to tell her end of the story. She'd made up with the Fire Lord, or at least that was what she had indicated. Hmm, Rav thought. Sometimes, the fact that someone in Fire could be this friendly is a bit... odd. Just the fact that we're communicating with an inhabitant of Fire, is strange in itself.

A sharp thud quickly awoke Rav from his daydream as he flinched.

"Ok, now, just look at how I do it again."

"Like this?"

"Hold still... Your arm needs to go up a bit, like this... yeah... now widen your legs a bit, to plant yourself more firmly... yep, now try again."

Rav's eyes followed the movements as Thorn worked with Alec on one of his attacks. Ebb, however, was at the side of the room, running through several techniques by herself. As she practiced, her face broke into a familiar smile, leading to a response he knew all too well.

She strode over to Alec, interrupting him from his training. "Alec," She started, her hands splayed either side of her, "Want to do some sparring?"

Rav grimaced. This was going to end in disaster.

Stepping back, she raised her hands into a fighting stance as Alec did the same. Thorn quickly hurried to the side, in an opportune position to watch the fight and interrupt if anything went astray.

With a large cry, Ebb rushed forward aiming a blow at Alec's head. Like lightning, Alec dodged directly into Ebb's leg as it was quickly revealed that she had performed a feint. Spinning his pelvis and whipping himself around, he avoided this attack as well; and the battle had started.

Judging movements by the eyes, they each stood still in a continuous state of waiting – for they both knew that the person who moved first would be putting themselves at a disadvantage.

In a split second, Ebb found her opening as Alec's blink became his downfall. As he sped forward, intending to hit her side, she flipped over him and hit him across the neck from behind. With a knock behind his knees, he fell to the floor.

"First point to Ebb." Thorn said, interest piqued. "Alec, if that had been a fight, you would have been put out of commission for a potentially fatal blow."

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