Q+A 1... With Characters!

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SPOILER WARNING! (Read the book first) A bit of abusive speech warning. And... Inference of some situations... warning... ??

*Look at a list of names* So, this is all of them? *Silence* These are the only ones coming in? *Pause* What's the phone for? *Point towards a large telephone* Do they even know how to use it? *Again, silence* Whatever... Bring them in!

(The doors open and in come six people, none looking at each other, just plonking themselves on a line of chairs across the centre of the room. They all sigh.)

*Look at my list. Flip a piece of paper over* Please introduce yourselves, starting with Bob.

Bob: Raises an eyebrow. Why do I have to go first? Thorn's the main character, isn't he? Start from his end.

*Nod, biting lip* Right... Okay... Um, Thorn, you go first then.

Thorn: Stands. Then pauses. Wait, am I supposed to stand, or just... He sits back down. An awkward wave. Hi, I'm Thorn... He turns to me. Do I say anything else?

Introduce yourself and say your favourite person and colour.

Thorn: Okay... Hi, I'm Thorn... Favourite colour... Purple. Deep, bold purple. And my favourite person is about four different people - Eliza, Rav, Alec and Ebb.

*A pause.* Person. Not plural.

Thorn: Stares at me intently. You can't ask me that.

*Nod* Okay, next!

Svorn: Slight wave. Hello... My name is Svorn and my favourite person is ah... He raises a hand to the back of his neck and looks down ...Elena... Red's my favourite colour.

Eliza: Confident smile. Hi everyone, I'm Eliza and Thorn and my children are my favourite people. I love white and sea green, but I hardly ever get a chance to wear them. She looks to the side. Elena?

Elena: A bright smile. Yeah, my favourite would probably have to be Svorn... and I'm Elena. Oh, and my favourite colour is black. A pause. You probably weren't expecting that... sorry...

Jared: Raises a hand. It's me next, right? After receiving a nod of confirmation, he smiles widely and continues. Fabulous! I'm Jared, I love blue and my favourite person is sitting beside me. He turns to Bob and pats his shoulder. My best bud, Bobby.

Bob: Brushes off the hand. Feels great... And just say Bob... please... He wrings his hands before laying them back in his lap. You already know who I am. I don't see the point in having a favourite colour, but I suppose brown and orange are alright. Unfortunately, Jared would have to be my favourite person - but only because I grew up with him.

*Step back and look at them all* Great! Let's begin! *Then back at my notebook* First one's for Bob. Bob, what do you see in Jared?

Jared: His shoulders drop. What? That's mean...

As in, why did you decide to make Jared king when, obviously, you could have easily taken the throne and had a larger party of your own...?

Bob: A nod. That's reasonable. He scratches his head. The truth is, I'm not all that confident in front of people, especially large crowds. I can write a speech fine, but when it comes to performing it, I completely freeze up. I've never been able to give a good speech. And Jared... He just has a way with words, you know? He can do this thing when he's speaking that can make people, whoever they are, listen to him. Unfortunately, with all my knowledge I've never been able to figure out what it is. And, well... It's not like I actually wanted to become the king or anything... I just backed Jared up because I knew Jared and I as a party would be the best outcome for all of Ice. We had the best chance of turning things around and fixing all the issues that had erupted before us... A glance to the side. And, I mean, we did. We were the first party to meet with and organise a fully functioning treaty with Fire... even if it did only last a few years...

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