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I had been seeing a therapist for weeks now. My dreams have been plagued with that same nightmare of my wedding. It chills me to the bone! It brings forward all the raw emotion  felt over his death back to the surface, and i honestly didn't know what to do.

I made sure to pay out of my own pocket so my mother wouldn't get the bill. I didn't want anyone to know. My mom has been to  busy with work. I knew that if she found out she would worry to no end. I hid it from Bryce and Brit as well. Bryce has been working so hard on keeping his scholarship. Every night when he calls, i hears the exhaustion and stress laced in his voice. About a week after he went back to the university, his roommate Josh got kicked off the team. Since then he has been working so unbelievably hard. As for Brit, well she would bite my head off if she knew that i hadn't come to talk to her at all. But she has been so busy with Alice and Avery. 

I let out a sigh, as i dug for my keys to my moms spare car. I walked out of the small private therapist office and mad my way towards my parking lot when my phone rang. 


"Summer!" Bryce's mother exclaimed on the other end.


"Well, I'm getting ready to leave, but i have at least 12 different bridal magazines i want you to look at before i get home. I already have some pages marked that i think would look the best. Dylan is at home, so don't mind him, just go on in. I gotta go. Bye!"

"BUT!" but it was too late. She already hung up. Great. Dylan was the last person i wanted to see today.

I drove over to their house. And parked my car. I quietly unlocked the door and sneaked inside. I didn't want to get Dylan's attention. I tiptoed to the kitchen and scooped up the magazines when i heard yelling. I froze where i was at and listened.

"Yes his! You dont need to see him! What? And fuck with his mind again?! Don't you think you've screwed with us enough!?"


"Fine. Coffee shop, 2 today."

I froze where i was standing and waited to hear more. But all was silent, except for the sound of the shower turning on. I let out a sigh of relief, and quickly placed the magazines back on the table, then dashed out of the house, like i was never there. 

Quickly i drove over to my house and ran inside. "BRITNEY!" 

She quickly ran down the stairs, nearly tripping over her own two feet. "What?!"

"We need disguises ASAP!" 

"Why?" she asked, a perplex expression on her face. 

"Well, i kinda, sorta ease dropped on Dylan, and he's meeting someone at the coffee shop and it sounded pretty serious..." i said, feeling slightly ashamed when i said it out loud, then i added, "Hey, were going to be family soon. I want to make sure he's alright." 

"Mhmmm! Someones just a Nosy-Nancy!" Brit said with her devilish grin as she dragged me upstairs. She pulled out out old Halloween costumes, when we dressed up like the typical girls you see at Starbucks. It was pretty funny, considering how stereotypical it was. We quickly changed, and drove to the coffee shop, sitting in the back booth. We waited for ten minutes, but Dylan was right on time, showing up at 2. Brit and i leaned back in our seats so he wouldn't see us. 

I was shocked, because for the first time, he looked serious. This man always had a grin on his face, even as he picked a fight with Bryce. But along with that seriousness, there was something else. Something that looks like it had been deeply rooted within him. I couldn't exactly pinpoint what it was though. Sadness? Shame? Guilt?

Nearly ten minutes later a girl walked in and sat at his table. She had caramel colored hair in a messy bun on her head. She wore black leggings, and a plain red T-shirt. In all honesty, she was pretty. I wanted to see what color her eyes were, but they were hidden, as was a good portion of her face, under obnoxiously big sunglasses. 

"Do you recognize her?" i asked Brit.

"Yes. But i cant put my finger on it."

I listed as they began talking.

"So, you're not going to say hi or anything?" she said.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Hello, how are you fucking doing." Dylan said.

She looked at him unsurprised, "Thats not how you speak to a lady."

"You're right. But you're not a lady, you're a whore." Dylan contradicted.

She remained expressionless, and unfazed by Dylan's harsh words. Dylan continued. "What do you want, Caitlin"

Caitlin..? That name sounds so familiar. To my right Brit stiffened. I gave her a questionable look, but she continued to listen. "Well, i heard Bryce is engaged. And i just wanted to see how he's doing. But also, to see how your doing." 

Dylan leaned forward, nearly tipping over a cup of coffee. "You leave him alone.You already fucked with him enough. And if i can do anything for him, its keeping you the hell away!" 

"Why? I want to just make sure he's found a real women, to uhh take care of him." She said with a sly grin. 

I felt my teeth clench. How dare she! The only thing keeping me in my seat was the strong hold Brit has on my arm. 

"He doesn't need you! You were a fcuking mistake. You ruined him, you ruined me, and you ruined my relationship with him. Now, because of you, he fucking hates me!" Dylan said, pointing an accusatory finger at her.

"Dylan, baby, it takes two tango. Just like it takes two to... well you know." She said, grinning even more.

"Dylan sat back in his chair and groaned. "I was fucking drunk. It's not like i knew the fuck you were. You were the one who started it."

"Don't act like you didn't love it."

Brit stood up, grabbed my arm and lead me out the door, passing Dylan and the girl he was sitting with. I almost thought Dylan did a double take. When we were outside, i yanked my arm away from Brit. "What the hell was that in there?! Who the fuck is she?!" 

Brit hesitated, "I don't know if i should tell you this, i mean this is really something Bryce and you should discuss." 

"Brit! Tell me!"

She sighed, "You know how Bryce had a cheating girlfriend before you? Well that was her. And the thing is, she didn't just sleep around with his friends, she also slept with his brother." 

I opened my mouth to say something, but there were no words. I felt so disgusted. 

I said nothing as i began to walk back to my car, walking past the large window wall of the coffee shop.  Not even two seconds later i heard someone say my name.


I turned around to see Dylan walking out of the coffee shop. "What are you doing here?" he asked. Without saying anything, i slapped him hard across the face before jumping into my car with Brit, and driving away.

Hey guys, sorry i haven't posted in awhile. Hope you like it. I want 20 comments and  50 votes  before i post the next chapter.

Here are some questions i want you to answer.
1) What do you think of Dylan now?
2) What do you think of Caitlin?
3) What do you think about the story so far? 
4) Thoughts on Bryce and Dylan's brotherly relationship?

Comment on other things as well. :) Comment and Vote away!

His Soccer GirlOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz