Chapter 32

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It felt as if I had been shocked.

Soon as Luciano's fangs broke the surface of my skin a warm electric feeling surged through my body before slowly easing out.

I heard myself exhale, a shaky exhale. I no longer felt like I was in my body as I felt absolute numbness.

A numbness that I never wanted to end.

My body was slightly buzzing. I was't sure how to describe the feeling, just that despite the gruesome vampire attacks I had witnessed this was not what I imagined.

It simply felt like I was asleep, but conscious. Like I was drowsy, on the verge of sleep, but not quite there.

It felt almost peaceful, and that in itself was an insane thought.

Luciano gently held the side of my head in his palm as my head was tilted, the right side exposed where he drank from.

I completely rested against Luciano and let my mind go blank.

With him the terrifying images were just a distant memory that I couldn't quite recall.

Around him, the dullness in me is always challenged and wavered.

Instinctively my hand went up and softly touched Luciano's hair a little as he fed on me.

This whole thing felt too gentle. Soft.

Sweet even.

This wasn't how it worked in the movies nor during the horrific events in my old town.

I couldn't help but wonder if Luciano was somehow allowing it to feel a certain way. I was also wondering if this was how he treated all his past preys.

Prey. Perhaps ultimately, that is exactly what I was.

My eyes were heavy lidded and they widened a little when I felt Luciano's fangs slowly retracted from my neck.

Assuming a trail of blood tried to trickle down, he used his tongue to catch it.

He hovered by my neck for a few more seconds before whispering into my ear.

"Are you okay, Grace?" he asked lowly, his voice barely above a hush.

"Mh," I hummed out a reply, the drowsiness still with me.

My neck stung, but only slightly. Luciano was as cold as ice, yet sitting on his lap, leaning my back against him, all I could feel was warmth.

A warmth so oddly comfortable.

I didn't bother to fight my body as I could slowly feel myself slipping into unconsciousness.


Once I woke, like each time, I laid on my back on the bed with the house void of Luciano.

My eyes finally opened and I sat up. As soon as I did, the room around me swirled around viciously and it took me a moment to realise nothing was physically moving and that my head was spinning.

Once it eased a little, I stood up and found myself stumbling to the bathroom. I held onto the edge of the sink as I glanced at the mirror, trying to focus on my neck. 

I tilted my head to the side and paused. I then tilted my head to the other side and again, there was no mark or traces of Luciano's fangs ever entering me. 

Taking a step back I stood there for a few moments thinking back to what happened with Luciano. 

He had never tried to feed on me and I'm not quite sure that he would have to begin with if it wasn't for me practically asking him to. But for some reason I now felt somewhat closer to him and I felt a little calmer. 

It might've been a toxic way for me to confide in him for comfort but I was fine with it. It was twisted to begin with. 

The way I met Luciano, the time I put into him. Everything from the beginning was simply not right, and hell, it didn't matter what it was now. 

It was a slightly scary thought, but I'd probably be dead or have no reason to be around if it weren't for him. 

Instinctively, I raised my hand to my neck and softly touched it as I thought about Luciano. 

To my surprise, a doorbell suddenly screeched through the house and I slightly jumped in response. 

I blankly stared back at myself in the mirror and blinked as I didn't react for a few seconds. Once the high pitched bell rang out again I slowly began to walk towards the front door. 

I had never heard the bell before, and Luciano most definitely didn't use it. 

Axel, perhaps?

Luckily enough, the door had a peep hole. 

I slightly stood up on my toes to look through it. On the other side of the door was a young teenage looking boy. He looked younger than me and held a large pizza box, with a cap on his head. I could make out the green hair he had that messily curled out from under his hat.

I didn't know what I was meant to do. I watched as he gazed around the front yard, chewing gum with an open mouth. 

I blinked.

He then froze. The boys head suddenly snapped towards the other end of the peephole and he stared right back at me with a grin spread across his face. 

I heard myself gasp at the terrifying expression he had and I physically backed away from the door, blankly staring at it- frozen. 

I knew it was bad news and I knew the thing on the other side of the door wasn't human. 

"Oh! Hello!"  It suddenly called out from the other side, knowing I was here.

"I have an order for a young girl," it paused.

A few seconds went by before I heard it speak again.

 "-who is about to get her throat slit open!" 

My eyes widened at his words. I immediately begun to back away from the door and glanced to my left and right for some sort of weapon or item for defence. 

However before I could do much, the door was smashed open and it flew, just missing me, as it hit the ground. 

My eyes were on the now broken door that laid by my feet and my wide eyes slowly followed it up to the boy who stood in the door-frame with a smaller smile, pizza still in hand.  

If it hadn't been for the fact that I might be killed any second, the scene that unfolded in front of me seemed almost humorous, as the boy opened the pizza box and pulled out a knife, tossing the box to the side.

I blankly stared at him. Despite feeling fear in the pit of my stomach, my voice sounded as blank and dull as ever. 

"No pizza?" I said dully and he ignored my words. 

He took two long strides towards me and tilted his head looking slightly down at me. 

"You're coming with me. Amelia is waiting."





Sorry for the wait :( 

Hope you are all well, I think its time for this story to come to an end!

Thoughts on this chapter?



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