Chapter 17

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Luciano walked slightly infront of me, his steps larger than mine.

I couldn't help but stare at my hand in his, the gesture extremely odd and new to me.

We walked in complete silence and I could feel the emptiness pooling inside of me. However my mind reminisced back to the rush I had felt. I couldn't exactly understand why my thoughts were so hooked by it. To have possibly felt something. To have felt alive.

The thought could of been humorous. Especially since I was alive and breathing compared to the creatures that invaded this town.

We had made it back to the stores front once more and I couldn't help but lift my free hand up to my throat at the thought of what only occurred less than half an hour ago as I stared at the nearing doors dully.

I caught onto Luciano's gaze as he glanced back at me slightly, his eyes lingering on the way I held my neck. His dark hair was tousled by the wind, however it still seemed anything but imperfect.

Strangely, I blankly gazed at him.

Luciano then suddenly paused, stiffening. He stopped mid step and his hand tensed in mine.

He then turned his head slightly to look back at me and only gazed down at me for a moment, before looking back up.

"Stay here," he said in a neutral tone, voice low as always, "-I'll be back."

I didn't respond and his hand slowly slipped out of mine, my hand suddenly feeling cold which was ironic considering his skin was ice itself.

I stared down at my open palm blankly. I dully let it slip limply to rest beside my side.

I watched as he walked towards the direction of more trees, on the right of the store front. However after only what would have been a couple of mere steps, a blink later, he vanished.

It was a certain speed that I had seen before. However I still stared at the empty space for a few more moments.

The wind blew in a low whistle. Clouds extremely grey, heavy with rain.

I glanced at my surroundings. If the town hadn't been eerie before, it definitely was now. The human body may not be much compared to those of others, however the new deadly aura was unmistakable by instinct.

I shivered unexpectedly and crossed my arms. Despite Luciano's words, I blankly dazed into the direction he disappeared into, and began walking.

My hair blew in the wind and I gathered it in my hands, tying it up lowly, pulling my coat closer together as I walked.

Behind the store was backed with several more trees that led to more forest.

I took the last step off the gravel, and my shoe sunk into the slightly over grown grass as I moved slowly amongst trees.

Luciano must've heard or sensed something to disappear. Even so, as I walked, all I heard was the sound of my own two feet.

I was one who was accustomed to such surroundings, however the atmosphere was completely different just like I had sensed before. The presences of birds were common, fluttering from one tree to the other, more of them than humans in town. But now there seemed to be neither.

What was graced upon this town was a heavy glooming dread. According to Luciano the town was well enough dead. It made me wonder where and what the remaining people were feeling.

Perhaps they were like me, waiting to be killed.

Even though I had gotten lucky due to Arnold's mysterious lighter, these deadly creatures were still here. Lurking. Waiting for the perfect night to erupt and devour those remaining.

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