Chapter Twenty-Seven: There's An End In BoyfriEND

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A/N: This chapter's in both Andie's and Cole's POV be prepared :) And don't forget to vote ;)

It's been just over four months since what went down with Jess and I've tried not to think about it too much. I lost one of my longest friendships but I guess how long you've been friends with someone doesn't prove who's a more genuine friend.

I figured that out for myself.

She hasn't tried to contact me but then again, I blocked all contact with her and I'm pretty sure Noah hasn't said a word to her since either.

On a positive note, Cole and I have been going stronger than ever and yet we still haven't said I love you. I'm dying to tell him and I've been putting it off forever. I just don't want him to freak out and then I lose him.

Every time I'm with Cole Jones it's one of the most terrifying emotions I've ever experienced but at the same time, I don't want the feeling to go.

How if feel for him consumes me entirely and I'm not ready for that feeling to disappear but I know if it goes, a part of me will be missing. And I don't think I'll ever be ready for that to happen.

I've finally decided—despite me internally freaking out—I'm gonna tell him and I have a plan.

"Andie Mitchell, are you even paying attention?" My English teacher asks sternly and I have no option but to come back to reality.

"If you want your results I suggest you listen up otherwise I'll make you retake the exam." I try my hardest not to roll my eyes and mutter bitch. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Cole trying to suppress his laughter and I playfully glare at him, earning myself a grin.

Heartbeat, please calm the fuck down.

"Now that everyone is paying attention, I would like to congratulate you all for scoring high on the essay. I'm proud to say you all exceeded my expectation."

She hands out our test papers and I'm not even nervous to receive my mark anymore, we have them so often now considering graduation isn't too far away.

The bell goes and I have just a little time left to sort out my grand gesture for Cole. "Can you believe that we both got a B? I, Cole Jones, got a fucking B on my English paper." I laugh and go on my tiptoes to kiss the side of his mouth.

"Well done," I smile as we head out of class. "I can't believe it either. I was fully convinced I was going to fail." The hallways are busy as people scurry to lunch and I turn to look at Cole.

"I'm going to go to my locker. Why don't you go get lunch and I'll meet you there." I suggest.

"Are you sure?" He asks, "I can come with you if you want." I shake my head softly.

"No it's okay, I'll be there soon." He pulls me closer, not caring about the crowded halls, and I throw my arms around his neck. He pecks my lips, pulling away smiling and he's the first one to turn around, walking away.

I watch his figure get lost within the crowd of people and I turn around myself, heading to my locker.

After a bit of a struggle, the stupid thing finally opens up and what I need is sitting right on top. A box.

A box that holds something inside that shows how much I love him. I keep a tight grip on it while I put my books in my locker.

I can't risk losing my grandfathers watch right before I give it to Cole.

"Okay Andie, come here." My nan waves her hand, asking me to come closer. Josh is still inspecting the ring my nan just gave him.

"You saw what I just gave your cousin, didn't you?" I nod and she takes my hand. "I'm going to give you something extremely special as well." She whispers and delicately picks up the watch. So cautious, almost as if she's scared it's going to shatter just by holding it.

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