Chapter Six: The Party

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At last, it's finally lunch. The bell has just rung and both Mia and I make our way to the canteen. On the way, for probably the thousandth time today — exaggeration, maybe a little but still — people are speaking about a party going on tonight.

All I've heard is 'Are you going to the party tonight?' 'What are you wearing tonight?' 'It's meant to be the best party of the year, we have to go.'

Really, all that it's going to be is; an overcrowded house that reeks of alcohol, hundreds of teenagers getting drunk, people getting stoned and people grinding. Let's just say it isn't exactly my scene.

We get to a free table and I'm not even sat down for a minute before Mia tells me Cole's making his way over.

"Erm, Andie, I think Cole is on his way over here." Mia awkwardly points towards the direction behind me.

"What?" Before she can even answer, I turn around and he's right in front of me.

"Hey." Is the first thing he says, accompanied by his signature smirk that makes his greeting almost unbearable.

"Hey," I drag out. "Are you after something?" I ask.

"Nope, I just want you to come to the party tonight." He says smoothly and I burst out laughing. Did he really think that I would be going and if not worse, he could get me to go?

"No, sorry but no. Definitely not." He fake pouts at my answer. Kinda cute. Nope, I've spent to much time with him. God, help me, please.

"Come on, you haven't been to one since you've moved here. It'll be fun."

"No Cole. I'm not going." He sighs and nods in defeat.

"Fine. Why are you so boring?" He huffs.

"Just because I don't want to go to a stupid party doesn't mean I'm boring," I respond, crossing my arms.

"Just you calling a party stupid means that you are one-hundred percent boring." I roll my eyes at his pettiness. Why is he being so persistent?

"Well I'm leaving to head to my next class so if you don't mind, I'm gonna go." Mia stands up and follows me out but as soon as we get outside she speaks up.

"Why didn't you go? He wanted you to be there."

"Not you too, I'm not going. End of story." I groan out of frustration while she sighs.


"Fine. I'll go just stop going on about it please." I put my head in my hands, relieved that she has finally stopped asking.

If you didn't know, Mia has spent the last hour making it her life mission to bug the hell out of me so I would agree to go to the party.

She wasn't exactly fussed about me refusing after Cole asked me but since a boy asked her to go, she was pretty determined on me going with her.

Since she was being so annoying, I'm now having to hunt for an outfit. I wanted to just go in jeans and a top but Mia being Mia, wouldn't let that happen. She's lucky I'm even going and now she's trying to get me to get dressed up.

"What about this?" She asks while pulling some type of clothing out of my wardrobe. I freeze when I see it's a navy blue dress that is around mid-thigh length. It's a skater dress, a beautiful skater dress, and the memory of when I got it fills my mind.

"Mandy! Can you come here, I have something for you!" My mother's voice fills the whole house and I quickly stop what I'm doing and head downstairs.

"Yeah, what is it?" I get down the stairs and just as I turn the corner, my mums holding a bag in front of her.

"Look inside." I take the bag from her and gasp as I pull it out. It's navy blue and one of the nicest dresses I have ever seen.

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