Chapter 13

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Moretti sets down a white mug in front of me, full of warm hot cocoa.

"Are you sure you don't want whipped cream?" He asked me.

I nod my head, and carefully bring the mug to my lips. "Whipped cream is disgusting. I don't know how you people can eat it."

I tilt the mug, but quickly wish I hadn't when the warm chocolate practically burns my tongue.

"Hot?" The corner of his lips barely lifted into a small smile.

I huff. "Not as hot as me."

Moretti just shakes his head.

"What? I'm being honest." I exasperate.

"Sure, you're hot. But you're more cute." He crosses his arms.

I scrunch up my nose, and was about to say something when he interrupted me.

"See? That nose scrunch? Cute. Hot people don't do that." He points to me, and takes a sip of my hot cocoa.

I gasp, and try to pull the mug back, but it ends up spilling over the both of us.

"Oh my goddess, look what you did Moretti." I accused, hot cocoa seeping into my shirt and starting to burn my skin.

"I didn't do anything." He shrugs.

"Yes you did. You took my hot cocoa." I snap, and take off my, now soaked, shirt.

"We were merely sharing."

"Why in the goddesses name do you think I would share chocolate with you?" I grimace.

Moretti shrugs, but doesn't verbally respond.

I look down and all the hot chocolate spilled on the floor and the counter. I roll my eyes and look back at Moretti.

I find him looking at me up and down. Suddenly I feel very self conscious. I wasn't in a shirt. How was I that stupid to just take it off in front of him?

He approaches me, and I step back with his every step forward. Soon enough, the crook of my back hits the counter behind me, and he's only a few inches away.

"Moretti..." I whisper, but trail off.

His gaze locked with mine.

"It's really difficult to stay away from you." His voice sent shivers down my spine.

Vessel started purring madly in my head.

I felt his hands wrap around my waist, and he pulled me into his chest.

I was stunned, to say the least. He's never been this careful with me since I was dragged here. This was a new feeling, and I'd be caught dead before I'd ever admit out loud that I silently enjoyed it.

I felt him nuzzle into the crook where my neck and shoulders meet. He gently went over his mark, and an indescribable feeling full of immense pleasure immediately shot through my body.

I gasped and pushed him away, now panting heavily. Moretti didn't seem to like that, as he stepped closer to me, and I could feel tension rolling off his body in waves.

Our eyes met each other's again, and he gave me a look as if to say 'don't you dare look away'.

His hands are on my waist again, and his forehead is now pressed against mine. I close my eyes, and wait to feel his lips on mine.

But that doesn't happen.

"Hey it smells like choco- Ah! Holy shit you two! Put some clothes on!" Malik shrieks

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