Chapter 10

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You know how in super dramatic romance movies, when something goes wrong with the couple, one of them just stands by a window and the skies change super fast to show how long they have been away from each other?

Yeah, that's how everything felt right now. I have lost track of the days that either dragged on, or flew by.

I was sitting on the windowsill, my head rested against the warm glass. My eyes were closed as I tried not to focus on how incredibly hungry I have become due to this hunger strike.

A knock was heard at the bedroom door, and I lifted my head from the glass, looking at the door across the room.

"It's Malik. Can you let me in? I have news about your family."

I stood up from the comfy windowsill, and went to open the door, where I was met with the beta, holding a tray of food.

"Look who finally opened up." He cocked his head.

"What's the news on my family?" I narrowed my eyes, cutting straight to the chase.

He just tsked and shook his head. "Can you let me in first?"

I looked at him for another few seconds before finally giving in. I moved out of the way and held the door open for him. And as soon as he stepped fully in, I shut the door and locked it.

"My family?" I move closer to Malik, who was setting down the food tray on a small circular coffee table with two chairs around it.

"Eat, And then I will tell you." He pulls out a chair.

"No. Tell me and then I will eat." I cross my arms over my chest.

"How about we discuss this over lunch, hm?" He brings out an inviting hand.

I examine him, as is to see if he's lying or bluffing in any way.

After I determined and made up my mind that he was not bluffing or lying to me, I made my way to the table, but pulled out the other seat and sat down.

Malik just shook his head, amused by my stubborn action. He sat down in the seat he originally pulled out for me, and took two plates, and set one down in front of the two of us.

It was just a simple grilled cheese sandwich with salad and tomato soup. And goddess, it was so tempting to just dive in.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Malik said, his mouth stuffed with grilled cheese.

I scrunched up my nose. People talking with food in their mouths is disgusting.

"Begin talking about my family, and then I will eat." I demanded.

He just nodded.

"Moretti will let you call them tonight. After lunch with me, if you prefer." He took another bite.

"He will?" I drop my guarded and stubborn attitude.

Malik nodded. "On two conditions," he held up two fingers, and then switched it to one. "The first one, is that you eat all of your lunch."

I just nodded, urging him to continue.

He held up the second finger again. "And the second one. Stop being stubborn, and give him a month to prove to you that he is the right one for you. Let him be a mate."

And at that one, I scoffed.

He forcefully marked me, without my consent.

'Technically, his wolf did. Not him.' Vessel decided to chime in.

'Doesn't matter. He still let his wolf do it.' I snap, and block him out, which I haven't really done since I locked myself in this room.

And I am not going to lie to myself, but I am extremely worried and concerned to what else he could possibly do to me. He knows about Kyle, and if he doesn't treat carefully with that topic, he could ruin things.

And just as I was thinking about Kyle, it's like Malik was reading my mind.

"I'll give you until you're finished with your lunch to decide. But for now, let's discuss something." He begins eating his salad

"Like what?" I hesitantly pick up the grilled cheese sandwich, and take a bite.

Oh goddess, this sandwich tasted like heaven. Who knew that was even possible?! I practically moaned at the cheesy goodness, and Malik gave a tiny chuckle.

"I don't know? Maybe that guy you were arguing with at the pool."

And just like that, my sandwich moment was ruined.

"Uh, Kyle?" I swallow.

He shrugs. "Sure, whoever this Kyle is."

"He's the next beta for my pack. And I'm not talking about him." I take another bite.

Malik just shrugs and begins to finish up his salad.

"Alright. Just trying to make conversation, babe."

I growled. "Don't call me that. Why are you always so happy and obnoxious anyways? Betas aren't supposed to be like this."

His smile faltered for a moment, but he began to explain.

"When I was young, and naive, I put myself in danger. I had debts to pay off, but no money. One day, I got in trouble. Too much trouble. It put my life in danger. I was kidnapped, and tortured, almost on the brink of death. My wolf had gone silent, and I had lost all contact with my pack. But Moretti came and quite literally saved my ass.

I cut myself a deal. I never wanted to be someone so naive and mad at everything all the time. It had gotten me in trouble. I decided to be a better and more positive person. Changing who I am for the better led me to Luca, and I could never thank the moon goddess enough for giving me the best person to complete me. Now, as hilarious as I am, don't think I never take my Beta duties seriously, because I do. Moretti trusts me for a reason." He finished, leaning back in his seat and looking intensely at me.

I was shocked, or stunned, to say the least. Suddenly, I liked Malik a lot more.

"I'm sorry, for judging you too quickly." I mumble.

He smiles. "Don't be too hard on yourself about it. We all do it and it gets the best of us."

I nod and finish up my sandwich and salad in silence. Malik occasionally jumping in with a random joke to lighten the mood.

As soon as I finish, he begins clearing up the dishes and is putting them on the tray.

I reach out and stop his hand, to gain his attention.

"Tell Moretti he has one month. And I want to talk to my family. Now."


(Surprise update! I'll miss you guys at when I am at bandcamp! If I have spare time next Sunday or Saturday I'll see what I can update!)

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