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The white ceiling of your room seems so interesting today that even the loud thump of footsteps on your stairs doesn't make you budge a bit. The rays of sun starts to kiss your exposed skin and it starts to sting a bit but you lie there incredibly quiet with thoughts that kept you awake night and still haunts you in the morning.

You can still imagine his face, the shape of it, the slope of his nose, the sharpness of his jaw, the sparks in his eyes, the unevenness of his lips and the way they felt to yours. You can still feel his wavy hair soft in between your fingers as you run ut through his hair. You miss him more than the way you miss him before. And its too sad that you can't do anything about it. Not even see him for today. Because there's always pain latched to it.

You don't flinch when someone barge into your room. The door hit the wall as the new comer enters. Your blanket left your skin cold as it fly away from your reach. You saw Jimin standing near your feet wearing a denim jacket and a black long sleeves turtle neck. He wore studs today.

"Get up." He said, his squeaky voice seems to be firm today.

You don't even lift a finger for him. You just simply gave him a deep sigh. He switches to your side and yanks your arm, you groaned and after hours of staying still your flip on your side and hides your face on a pillow.

"Get up. You can't possibly miss the fest. It's today. And your team needs you." He said and tried to pull the pillow away from you but you held on to it tightly like your life depended on it.

"I don't want to see him today." You voice was muffled.

"Lee Ara and her team comes back today. Their team didn't win." He informs.

You rolled your eyes. "All the more reason why I don't want to go. People will talk about me again, Jimin. I'm sure they already know that what's between Jungkook and I is already done." You explained.

"That's actually another reason for you to show up and face them head on. You can't be the loser here. He fucked you up, your reputation can't possibly be ruined. It must be their reputation that should be ruined." He huffed. "Are you going to let them see how you lost their game?"

You raise your head from the pillow and threw a gaze at Jimin. "I'm sick and tired of their games, Jimin. I don't want to play it anymore." You said then you bury your face again.

You heard Park Jimin sighed, then you felt your side deepens. "But you're going to miss so much fun, Y/n. It's the fest, you can't miss the fireworks."

"The fireworks are for lovers, not for broken hearts." You mumbled.

"Good point but still! You have Taehyung by your side!" He says then he proceeds to pulling your pillow again.

"No! I don't want to use anyone here, Jimin! I can't hurt him! I won't continue this domino effect." You said when he pulled the pillow away from you completely.

He hugs the pillow, "Fine, you won't use him. Just try to have fun atleast. We' stay by your side." He said, smiling at you.

You shook your head then you flip on your side again. But he shouts, "Taehyung, you can come in now. I can't get her off her bed."

You inhaled as you jerk on your bed when you saw your door opens slowly. The first thing you saw was his smile that greets you good morning. Then your eyes switch to his bright red jacket to his white and black striped shirt and skinny jeans. You immediately sat on your bed.

You try to feel your face if you have something on it but you saw him approach you. He bends until his face was lower than yours.

"You don't want to get up?" He asked you softly, almost like a whisper. You doubt if Jimin even heard him.

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