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Every person has experienced a heartbreak, but their memories go down to the first time they felt it. The first time a naive heart gets wounded is the most painful, it will leave a stain to your pure heart, its a wound that will leave a scar.

And you'll carry it forever. Just like memories. All you have to do is accept it and embrace it and be miserable secretly.

The white pot with a small plant looked so cute with the black table of the tea house. The leaves so green and alive. Fingers tapping on the table continuously as Jimin bit his lip out of impatience. Your cheek feels so squished as you lay one side of your face on the table.

"The sad thing is, I can't hate on her. She's too good." You groaned.

A large window parallel to your face is like a painting of the bright sun and good whether. The smell of the tea house made you relaxed and the faint music from the speaker made it less silent.

"Everything that is too good isn't true. What do you want to drink? Its on me today." Jimin sighed as he roll his eyes.

You looked at Jimin who sat in front of you. Its true, she's too good but she's real. She's in your reality and she's Jeon Jungkook's girlfriend.

"Are you saying that she's fake?" You asked as you straighten your back.

"Yes, now what do you want?" He crossed his arms against his chest.

"You hate on people too much, Park Jimin. Just get me a strawberry frappe." You said, laying your head back again on the table.

"What name do I tell for our drinks? You'll get it since I'm the one ordering." Jimin huff as he poke your arm.

"Just give your name or whatever." You mumbled.

"Okay, I'll give Jeon Jungkook." Jimin muttered like its not a big deal but you saw him watching your reaction which is your eyes widening and straightening your back.

"Its been ages, Y/n. Don't even think about that dick, he doesn't deserve an angel like you."

"Park Jimin, its only been three weeks. Let me mourn." You rolled your eyes at him.

Jimin shrugged and went to the counter leaving you to gawk at nothing but blank space. The three weeks left you feeling so empty with heartbreak, you spent it trying to distract yourself from thinking about that boy that made your days shine before, you spent it hiding and trying not to cross paths with him.

Perhaps, it was because of the embarrassment you still felt after you confess and got rejected, and to be honest, the shame still has its aftershocks. But mostly, you were trying hard to avoid him because you didn't want to fall more to the boy who's already committed to someone, because you know you don't deserve that, and if you ruined their relationship, Lee Ara doesn't deserve any of it too.

You both deserve someone who will love you faithfully and someone that will commit to only you. Plus, you wouldn't even dare ruin someone's relationship. And also for the fact that you still haven't moved on and you want to spare yourself from the pain, because you aren't a masochist.

The flashdrive he gave you was still stucked in your pocket, you pulled it out and stared at it as you play it between your fingers. You still haven't opened it and you haven't done a single thing to your article, you're just simply stuck.

It kinda makes you feel guilty because the release of the newspaper were being hold just for your late article and your table's probably dusty and feeling lonely already, you'll just have to drag Jimin later and visit the Journalists' room.

Your fingers slide through the small surface of the black flashdrive. Mind wondering about Jungkook and how is he. Is Lee Ara treating him right? Is he happy? Does he think of you? Maybe, confessing your feelings did have a positive side, maybe he'd think of that embarrassing moment every once in a while and he'll probably laugh because of it but atleast he remembered you.

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