The Crazy one

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Kasady walked you back to your apartment. It was not a shocker that he knew the route. 

"Do you think I'm crazy?" He goes up the steps with you. 

Reaching your door at the end of the hall you slid the key in the lock but stopped. "Do you think I'm a bad guy?" He walked to the window looking out. 

"Where is your home Kay?" 

Kasady chuckled. "Home?" he slides his hands into his pocket jeans raising his heels up before setting them down. The back of his boots tapped loudly on the wooden floor. 

Seems as if he were thinking of the definition of a home. A small house with a white picket fence. Beautiful green grass with bushes of flowers surrounding the home. 

A rocking chair next to a small metal legged table with a glass top and a glass pitcher full of ice lemonade. 

The best part of a home is seeing your family. Oh he can envision it so clearly, even more so if he closes his eyes. Seeing you standing at the steps with a white dress. 

Make it even more extra, he wouldn't mind adding a baby in your hands. Sweet baby girl with red cheeks and a sweet smile.

Kasady opened his eyes looking over to you. 

Yes! A baby girl with her mother's eyes! How delightful!

That's his definition of a home. 

"I don't have one, yet." He says looking back out the window. Looking at your door a strange emotional thought swept through your mind. Feelings that are growing for him. 


Unlocking the door you twisted the door knob. Looking into the hall you felt almost lonely to enter it. 

Kasady isn't the crazy one, it's you. 

Kasady isn't the bad guy, it's you.

Why did he take the blame for me? Why does he follow me? He was eager to have a date with me. He agreed to my plans. He protected me in prison. 

Am I a living definition of a new word? A new description of intelligently stupid? Kasady kept his distance when I opened the door. And he was more relaxed when Venom wasn't with me. 

Is it because he's wanting to -

"Since you've made it safely to your apartment. I will be leaving now." Kasady was already walking away waving. 


He stops quickly turning around. 

Stepping aside from your door you kept your eyes down to the floor. Giving him a gesture with your head for him to enter your apartment. 

Kasady's eyebrow rose up as he walked up to you. Looking into your apartment and back down at you. "Little birdie this is just our first date. Give us time, unless you really-" 

Rolling your eyes at his quick assumptions he stopped talking. 

"No idiot. You can stay in my place for now." 

Kasady looked back into your apartment and back at you. His hand slid tenderly on your cheek as he walked inside. "So sweet, my little birdie." 

Welp, Eddie ain't gonna like this. 

"You're welcomed to sleep in my room. I rarely sleep in my bed." 

Resting your coat on the hanger and sliding off your shoes you could feel him standing still. 

As if he were nervous on moving or touching anything. 

She would sleep on the sofa, I would take her to her bed. 

Carnage informs Kasady. 

"Mhm? Why is that?" He asks the question to whomever will answer it. 

You took it as him asking you. 

"I just end up sleeping on the sofa." You show him to your room. 

"Bathroom is right here. So if you need a shower go for it. I'll buy you, your materials. Shaving cream, deodorant, soap." 

Kasady wrapped his arms around your waist as he fell back in bed pulling you along. "Kay?" You ask nervous. His arms wrapped around you as he snuggled you to him. 

Carnage was right. You are so soft and sweet. Warm with a delightful smell. Just so comforting to have. Carnage appeared on his arm smiling down at you. "Sleep." He says as you look at him. "Carnage." 

Carnage nuzzled your cheek.

"We won't hurt you."

Letting out a tired yawn you trusted Carnage. 

Waking up slowly you rubbed your eyes. The room was dark, Kasady closed the covers on your window knowing the sun bothers you in the mornings.

Sitting up you looked at the curtains understanding that Carnage is telling him everything about you.

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