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Hiding in the truck you listened to Carnage becoming upset. It made your heart ache. You are not like him! Nothing like him! What you did was rid of those who hurt the innocent. 

So no one would suffer the way you did. The vulnerability of relying on others. Kasady is just trying to manipulate you. Using Carnage's feelings against you. 

Trying to lure you out just so he can hunt you. That's what he must want. Payback for all you did. Capturing him was easy for you. 

You had the mind of a real killer thought further than the police. You were a natural. 

It's still so hard for many to believe that there are some people just born with that sort of mentality. There is no nature vs nurture. It's something you felt and thought of. 

Kasady was exposing himself to you. He did the exact same thing in prison. Inmates did have free time and he would behave just so he could walk around. 

Since you were female they kept your cell locked when the men were free. They would circle your cell whistling, squeezing their lips together. Trying to call you toward them like a dog. 

They seemed to disappear so suddenly. Many from accidents in the bathrooms. Strangulation was one. Kasady would hold onto the rails of your cell door. The both of you would talk. He would ask you questions and you would answer. 

All the information you told him, he used it. The locations of missing people, the way they were killed. He took your blame so you could be free. 

It's not sure if he did or didn't kill your friend. The other man you killed described her death perfectly. But when you heard of Kasady and his routine of killing and his small mind games. It became hard for you to understand if you had killed the right man.


Looking down at the ground you saw Venom inside a cat. Reaching out to the cat Venom reached out as well. 

Crawling out from the truck you transformed, quickly leaping up to the building. "You know that Spider Boy?" Venom talked to you. "We got some upgrades." He reaches out to a trash can as a dark spider web shot out and he pulled the can toward your hand. 

"$20 bucks he catches it?" You ask and Venom chuckles. "$30 he doesn't." You hummed. "Clever bastard. You didn't hurt him, did you?" 

"The boy? No. But they followed us to New York. Eddie is hidden safely but I made a promise to Carnage. Carnage and his current host seem to be having issues. If Carnage were to ever bond with you again. 

You will become a true monster. Carnage has found his host. If Carnage were to attach himself to anyone else they would become monsters. Do not bond with Carnage y/n." 

Venom tossed the can at Carnage. "Well shit! I owe you $30 now." 

Venom smiles widely. "Whoops."

Carnage shoved his claws onto the side of a car tossing it at Venom. Venom leaped down onto the street as the car smashed up against a building. The car alarms started to beep hurting the senses of the creatures.

Venom staggered to the other side of the bridge leaving Carnage to tear through the cars to make them shut up. 

Carnage looked around the streets seeing them empty. "Where is she!?" They leaped up on the bridge seeing Venom shooting a web up onto a building. "It must be her!"

Carnage rushes onto the roof top leaping off the moment Venom hoisted up. Tackling Venom off the rooftop he slammed onto the concrete. 


Carnage grabs hold of Venoms head as he pulls you and Venom apart. 

"Don't belong with her!" They screamed as they tried to pull you and Venom apart. "Carnage!" You scream out as he held you by your hair as he kept pulling Venom away. 

"You don't belong with her! She's mine!" That must be Carnage speaking, he is so conflicted with Kasady.

Venom growls out fighting to stay bonded with you. He knows the outcomes of letting Carnage take you.

"Your right Carnage!" You scream out as he stops looking down at you. 

"I don't belong to him. I belong to you. Haven't I always belonged to you. My Carnage?" 

His white eyes seemed to have settled hearing your words. You want to be with him! 

She wants to be with us! 

They think together.

Venom took the advantage to smash his arm back against Carnage sending him flying back. 

"NO! She wants to be with us!" Carnage and Kasady scream out. 

Venom uses the webs sticking Carnage against the sidewalk. 

Just a quick distraction, enough time for Venom to runaway with you. Disappear into a building.

"He took her from us! She wants to be with us! She's ours!" They pull themselves free as they leaped up climbing a building to search for Venom. 

"Good thinking y/n." Venom says melting back inside you. "My Carnage. What has happened to him? Is there anyway to fix him?" You were at the brink of tears but Venom kept you strong. 

"Unfortunately no."

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