Chapter 4: The Disciplinary Committee Intermediate Class

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Once Sophie entered her room, she started unpacking her suitcases looking for her duffel bag and Phys-Ed clothes. She packed her clothes in the duffel bag as well as a belt with several pouches hanging from the sides, a small leather bag full of unused magic crystals, and her spell pen.

Sophie slung the bag over her shoulder and grabbed a hair tie from a pocket in her suitcase and put it around her wrist before fetching her journal and pencil case to write the details of her hallucination down. 

After deciding to bring her journal and pencil case to the Training Hall with her in case she had another hallucination, Sophie stored them in her duffel bag and left her room so she and William could make their way to the Training Hall.

"Sorryit took me so long, William," Sophie apologized. "I had to write an entry in myjournal."

"That's alright," answered William. "What did you need to write down?"

"The details of a hallucination I had right in front of the Headmaster."

William had been about to open the door but stopped at what Sophie said. With his hand still on the door knob, William turned his head towards Sophie, a confused look on his face.

"I thought you got weird nightmares about your past, not hallucinations?"

Walking up to William, Sophie answered, "I do get nightmares. This is the first time I've had a hallucination."

William went quiet at that and proceeded to open the door, wait for Sophie to leave first before following her out, and lock the door behind them.

As they made their way out of the residence building, Sophie remembered what the Headmaster told her and said, "Oh, I almost forgot to tell you but the Headmaster said that you and I are supposed to be partners for our intermediate class in the Disciplinary Committee."

William's face lit up at that bit of information and said, "Awesome."

Once they were outside William spoke again, "Well if you're going to be my partner then you should start getting used to my magic."

Sophie was only able to get a 'what' out before William had his arm around her waist and pulled her close to him. And before Sophie could react they were in the air heading towards the Training Hall.

When William pulled her up against him, Sophie went stiff. Once they were in the air Sophie's embarrassment about being so close to her crush vanished as fear took over and Sophie wrapped her arms around William for fear of falling.

Burying her face in William's shoulder he bursts out laughing when his heightened hearing picks up Sophie whispering 'Oh Gods, oh Gods, oh Gods,' over the wind rushing past them.

Peeking up from her hiding spot, Sophie says, "This isn't funny William," before burying her face in his shoulder again.

William just starts laughing again before asking, "Why are you afraid of heights? You should be able to control gravity!"

Looking back up at William, Sophie responds with, "I'm afraid of heights because I can't use magic at all! How do you not know this?"

At Sophie's statement William goes silent for a moment before replying, "I knew that casting magic was much more difficult for you than it should have been, but, I honestly thought that was all it was. I really didn't know that you can't use magic, Sophie."

"That's okay, I just thought my inability to use magic was obvious."

A few moments later Sophie's feet touched the ground and she relaxed as she released her hold on William.

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