Chapter 3: Frosh Week

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Sophie smiled at the school's secretary and said, "All right, thank you. I'll be sure to stop by his office later."

Sophie turned to her brothers. Jacob chuckled and said, "We haven't even been here for ten minutes and you're already getting called to the Headmaster's office? What'd you do Sophie?"

"I haven't done anything Jacob," said Sophie. "He probably wants to ask me something about Taylor."

"If you say so," Jacob replied. "Meet up in the cafeteria for lunch?"

Sophie smiled, "Sure, but where're you going? You're not going to find your room first?"

Jacob shook his head and said, "Uh-uh, I'm gonna look for Jeffery and ask if he wants to join us. How about you Clause, meet us in the cafeteria?"

Clause smiled and said, "Sure, I've got nothin' better to do."


After making her way from the office, through the school's front doors, across the yard and to the high school student's dorm building, Sophie began searching for her room.

Reading the number on her room key, Sophie used the elevator to make her way to the fourth floor. Okay, my room is 424 which means my room will be at the end of the hallway on the right.

Upon finding her room at the end of the hall, Sophie stuck her key into the lock and turned it.

Sophie moved to the middle of the room and turned her head left and right, examining the room.

A six-bedroom townhouse suite? I was expecting a two-bedroom suite, Sophie thought to her self, is this what Headmaster Whitesun wanted to talk to me about?

Regardless of what type of room Sophie got, she used her other key to find her designated bedroom.

Sophie had tried three doors before she found the lock that matched her key and entered her room. She took note that other than the size of the room being bigger than she was used to at the school, everything else was still the same, minus two of everything considering she no longer had a roommate, and that the kitchen was not in the same room.

"Well Sophie, you were not expecting this," she said to herself. I haven't slept in a dorm room without Taylor since the first time we were roommates.

Sophie took a deep breath, I might as well head over to the Headmaster's office now that I know which dorm room is mine.

Sophie placed her suit cases by her bed and locked her bedroom door on her way out.

Just as she was about to lock the door to her dorm room a male voice behind her said, "Hey, don't lock the door just yet."

The voice startled Sophie so badly that she whipped around into a hard body and fell back against the door, which she had not managed to close, and landed on the floor.

To startled to feel the pain of landing on the floor Sophie peered up at the boy who was now slightly bent over her, offering his hand and apologizing for not saying something a little farther away, and froze at who she had bumped into.

Sophie stared into the sky-blue eyes of Prince William Graysun who was still holding his hand out for her and was now waving his other hand in front of Sophie to try to get her attention.

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