29- Family

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" What is that in your face? Is this something that kids these do."

Cale's grandmother asked once Cale accepted the call. Cale's eyes widened once he saw his face on his phone.

Leon burst out laughing as he couldn't hold it in anymore. Cale fumed as he squinted his eyes while looking at Leon. Leon was sure he could steam coming out of Cale's ears.

" Gran I will call you back in a minute," Cale states, pushing his tongue against the side of his cheek in annoyance.

" Who was that?" His mom pried, pushing her way into the screen along with her sister.

" Who is the boy?"

" Bitch," Cale answered fisting his hands to ease his anger.

" Language." Cale's aunt warned.

" Look who is speaking." Cale retorted, searching his backpack for tissues.

Leon pushed himself in front of the camera once his laughter ended to greet them.

" Hi!" Leon greeted enthusiastically.

Cale's family waved back with curious eyes as they scrutinized the new person.

"Are you the boyfriend?" Cale's aunt cocked her brow, a smirk playing in her lips.

" No!" Cale was quick to deny the allegation, knowing perfectly well what the end result would be.

Cale's family did not look convinced, totally ignoring him they started talking to Leon.

" What is  your name son?" Cale's mom asked.

" Oh sorry, I am Leon." Leon smiled bashfully rubbing the back of his neck.

" Son!? What is going on? You guys are not going to get to know each other, this is not good for my stress levels." Cale said intervening the conversation." And pass me the bottle." Cale added.

" Why? You look cute." Leon asked in between small giggles.

Cale had an unamused look on his face, shoving the phone onto Leon's hand and leaning over him to take the water bottle.

" Careful Cale, you will hurt the poor boy." Cale's mom advised.

" That was the goal, mom" Cale states.

" Thanks Mrs Adams," Leon said ignoring Cale and leaving him be as he got to know Cale's family.

" Shesh, just call me Paige," Paige uttered.

" And you can call me gran."

" But that is what I call you," Cale whined like a child as he rubbed the marks off his face.

" And?" Cale's grandmother asked.

Cale just pouted childishly. " If this leaves marks I am so getting back at you," Cale warned Leon with a glare.

" Cale I will never do that, how will I see your pretty face then?"

" Are you flirting with my grandson?" Cale's grandmother asked.


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