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Leon smiled as he waved at Cale as a way of calling him over. Cale had a friendly smile as he walked over towards Leon who was at the rings section. His eyes going over the rings that he presumably selected.

Leon's eyes lit up as he got an awesome ( according to him ) idea. " Lara, can you hold the call for a second?"

" Hey Cale." Leon greeted.

" Hi, who are you selecting the rings for?" Cale asked pointing over towards the rings.

" My sister in law wants to gift my brother a ring for their anniversary," Leon answered.

"I don't think these are the rings you gift someone for their anniversary," Cale stated as he looked over the rings once again, some of them looking like the ring you would get once you join a cult or something.

" Yeah I suck at this, can you help me?" Leon asked rubbing his neck and smiling bashfully.

Cale smiled as he nodded." Is there anything specific that  she wants?"

" One sec," Leon says as he puts the phone back on his ear. " Okay so I have someone with me who is ready to help you now can you please try to explain what you want---" Leon did not let the other speak as he continued, " And don't explain like you just explained to the staff cause then you will never be able to find anything."

Leon looked back towards Cale a few seconds later. " Apparently she wants the ring with like these stones that like are.... injected in them. " Leon stated, regretting asking the other for help cause he was just honestly embarrassing himself only.

" Just tell me what skin tone he is and tell her to come online or something we can send her pictures and she can select from them. " Cale suggested trying to hold in his laughter.

" You know what just gonna put my phone on speaker so you know that these words are not my own," Leon states putting the phone on speaker.

" Lara do you know his skin tone?" Leon asks.

" Yeah he is neutral, everything suits him. Lucky bitch." Lara informs.

" You know this but you don't know what the hell ring type is?" Leon asks surprised.

" I remember this cause there was this one time we were at a mall and he was bored as usual and he told me he wanted to try the free makeup out and I agreed and well the make-up artist there told us he has a neutral tone," Lara says.

" Why the hell did I not know about this? Please tell me you have a picture." Leon asks with an evil smile.

" I do but I am not going to show it to you."

" I need to see it, will you show it to me if I convince my brother?"

" Yes."

" Okay then bye, we will send you the pics." Leon ends the call.


Thanks for reading!

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