33: Coming back.

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Violet's P.O.V

I pulled away from the kiss. My breaths came out in soft pants as I looked at Logan's glowing blue eyes. I can feel whatever pull we have to each other strengthen by the day. I put my hand on his cheek and smiled at him. He smiled back but deep in those beautiful glowing blue orbs I saw a sadness.

"Will you visit me? At some point? Please?" I asked him. Well who am I kidding it sounded like I was pleading for him to come see me again.

"Of course I will, but there are thing I have to do first. And you'll have to call off your guards." He joked. I chuckled. I reluctantly let go of him, immediately missing the feeling of holding onto him. He unwrapped his arms from around me and walked back a bit to let me pass. I started to walk away but looked back at him once more. He smiled sadly at me, my face mirrored his.

"See you later. Asshole." I called to him. He laughed.

"See you later. Bitch." And with that I ran back to my contestant house. Alex, Simon, Sean, Adam, and Jean were there. Alex was glaring at Simon and me. I just smirked and walked over to Sean.

"We ready to leave?" I asked him. He nodded, Adam and Jean walked over to me they looked very nervous.

"You okay guys?" I asked. Adam cleared his throat and Jean was behind him slightly.

"We're just wondering how the overworld will be and how we will get our hosts..." Came Jean's soft voice. I smiled softly and hugged both of them.

"It'll be fine guys, besides your with me. No one will fuck with you and if they do... Well you both are demon warriors, you can hurt them. Just don't kill them without my permission." I told them glaring at Alex, he gulped. They both nodded happily.

"I'm hoping you aren't leaving with out saying goodbye to us master." I heard a familiar voice. I spun around and spotted Dean and my parents. My mother smiled at me, I hugged her tightly. I barely get to see her so when I do it's really special.

"Hey mom thanks for coming today." I said. She hugged me back.

"No problem hun. Besides I can't pass up the opportunity of seeing you and Logan fight." She winked at me.

'Ohhh she totally knows something.' Destiny said.

'No shit Sherlock.' Came my response.

'Shut it.....' She replyed. I looked over at my father and sent him a smile. He smiled back and came over giving me a hug.

"You fought well this year Violet. Me and your mother are proud of you." He told me. I hugged him back and when we pulled away I looked at my hellhound. Dean was patently waiting by the door, I rolled my eyes at him.

"Get over here Dean." I told him as I knelt down on one knee. He ran up to me and I wrapped my arms around his soft coat. He laid him head on my shoulder, sighing heavily. I pulled from the hug and patted his head, he shook his head in response making a annoyed noice.

"See you next year Dean. Next time you can be in demon form as long at others aren't with me." I told him. He licked my hand and nuzzled his head into it. I smiled and petted him for a few minutes till I got up. I looked at all three of them and smiled warmly.

"Come visit at some point? Please?" I asked. They all nodded and pulled me into for one last hug. They left and my smile fell, I turned back to the others in the room.

"Let's go." I said shortly and we all left to head to the platform we arrived on. The platform had a permanent satanic star carved into it, you could see dried blood of the demons that come and go from hell.

"Sean? Ready?" I ask him as I bring out Soul. He nods and we put our arms out. We cut deeper this time because we are transporting other demons but not making them draw blood. All 6 of us appear on the original satanic star I made when we went to hell in the first place. Me and Sean's arms have dried blood streams decorating our arms. I slowly walk to Alex's pack house. I motioned for Simon to go first. He walked out of the woods and into the open. Immediately my pack ran over to him.

"Simon! Where's Violet? Is she ok? Please tell me she ok!" August freaked out when he didn't see me right away.

"Calm down. She's alright I just came first, and Alex knows... He's pissed." Simon told him.

"Well where is she? And the other two?" Tim asked, Kat ran up to them.

"Where's my sister?" She asked. Simon just sighed.

"Their all coming, and we have two new people. Apparently they are her guards now? I don't really know." As he was saying this I decided to come out with Sean, Alex, Jean, and Adam. Suddenly everyone from the packs were there surrounding us. Jean and Adam immediately came close to me and we're about to summon weapons before I put my hands on either of their shoulders. They relaxed but stayed close to me. Kam ran up to me but was stopped by Jean.

"Who are you? Why did you try to rush princess Violet?" She asked. I chuckled quietly.

"Jean, relax she is my sister, her name is Kam." I told her, she looked at me surprised then back at Kam.

"I was unaware that my king had another child. I apologise princess Kam." Jean bowed to Kam and Kam looked at me shocked.

"What?" She asked completely confused.

"Kam you are royalty. This will happen especially when I take you down to hell to meet Mom and Dad." She smiled.

"I get to meet them? When?"

"I don't know but not right now." I told her she nodded and came up to me and hugged me. I hugged back. I looked at the others, Rachel was looking at my arm in worry.

"Don't worry it's how we get from hell and back. It healed." I told her, she nodded. I looked at my pack and smiled.

'Ok. So three things. One- Alex's now knows I'm Alpha so no point hiding it now. Two- Jean and Adam are in need of hosts, any volunteers? Three- I'm made my decision on what to do with Alex. If I'm going to reject him or not.' I mind linked them. They all nodded. Simon raised his hand to volunteer on being a host. I nodded.

"Which one?" I asked him.

"Jean. She's my mate." He told me, I looked at him in surprise.

"Jean it is then. Congrats Jean, you just got a host." I told her she smiled brightly and hugged me.

"Thank you so much princess!" She bowed. I nodded to my pack and they all bowed to me.

"Welcome back Alpha." They say in unison. Alex growls and his pack looks angry. Well I don't care, they will have to deal with it.

(Hey guys! Sorry for the extremely late and short chapter, I had major writers block and have some school stuff that I am focusing on at the moment. I hope you guys are all good and enjoyed the chapter I will try to write more but no promises on a schedule. I love you all and remember to comment it helps me get over writers block and be motivated to write!)

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