5: ready? of course not.

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Violets P.O.V

I woke up to my alarm clock blaring in my ear. I look over at it and it reads three o'clock.

"Ughhh! Why me Moon goddess?!" I shout, thank Satan my room was sound proof or half of the pack would have been wolken up. I got up and hopped into the shower, after I got ready in the bathroom I walked to my walk in closest and put on some black jeans with a red tank and a letter jacket over it. Then I grabbed my bag with my stuff in it and walked downstairs.

By the time I was down stairs and into the first kitchen it was three fifty five and every one was already here.

"Ok we have a hour to eat and do last minute things so get moving." I say as I sit down and eat a apple I got from the fruit basket.

"Yes Alpha." They say at the same time.

"Creepy." I muttered under my breath.

"We heard that!" They yell.

"You know sometimes it's hard to think that we are a pack of assassins!" I yell back. I just hear a bunch of chuckles.

~1 hour later~

We walk out into the garage and the boys get into their cars with all of the stuff as I get onto my motorcycle. When I put my helmet on I sync a call to them so we can talk.

"Ok so we are going to be at your side at all times on the rode and off of the rode when we get there?" Tim asks.

"Not quite I will be out front on the rode and then you guys go on to the territory first and greet Alpha Alex first then I will come with in a minute behind you guys." I reply. I know that I will hesitate going into the territory so I will let them go ahead.

"Yes Alpha." I hear them all say.

"Ok boys and Rachel let ride." I tell them. Then we are off with me in the lead and them following behind. I pop a few wheelies just for fun and a few tricks. Hey a girl needs to show off sometimes you know.

~3 hours later~

We arrived at the border of the pack territory I never thought I was going to look back at let alone go back into. We all stopped and they looked at me.

"You ok Alpha?" Rachel asked.

"I never thought I would go back here." I replyed.

"You'll be fine you are the Alpha of a pack of assassins and the black wolf. That can't do any thing to you." Simon says and the other nodded in agreement.

"Ok you guys go. I need to build up some confidence." I say and they take off.

'We both don't want to do this Violet. But we have to there's no choice.' Destiny says to me.

'I know that but I really don't want to.' I say.

'We will make him regret rejecting us.'she says back.

'I know we will and that will make this whole thing worth it.' I smirk and start my bike again and speed off to the pack house. You are in for a suprize Alpha Alex, and I don't think that you with like this one. Because remember Alpha..... You rejected me. The black wolf and Alpha of a assassin pack.

(Thanks for reading! the next one will be a lot longer I swear! Remember to comment I really helps me!)

Alpha...... You rejected me. Remember?Where stories live. Discover now