XLVI | Hers To Begin With

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The call was from James's mother, Mrs. Williams.

After Isabelle and Alexander got married, Mrs. Williams rarely called her, but when she did, she needed Alexander to pretend to be James.

Isabelle grabbed her phone and walked towards the balcony. She opened the windows. The breezy night wind blew in. She casually picked up the phone, and said, "Aunt."

Even though to outsiders it looked like she was already married to James and should call Mrs. Williams "Mom", as James's wife, but they knew it was really an agreement. And so, when she was not acting, Isabelle would always call Mrs. Williams "Aunt".

Mrs. Williams's voice sounded dignified and contrived. At first, she showed Isabelle some care, "Izzy, have you eaten dinner?"

"Yes, I have," Isabelle answered politely. She also politely asked in reply, "Aunt, and you?"

"I'm waiting for your Uncle to come back so we can eat dinner together." Mrs. Williams finished being courteous and went straight to the point. "Izzy, next Friday is James's birthday. Do you still remember?"

Isabelle knew it was James's birthday, but a lot of things had happened lately, and so she hadn't paid much attention to the date. With Mrs. Williams' reminder, she suddenly remembered, "Yeah, I remember."

"James's birthday party must be well managed, so please inform him."

Isabelle naturally knew who she meant by 'he', but actually, Isabelle was always pissed off by this. Alexander clearly had a name. Why did Mrs. Williams have to replace his name with 'him' or 'he', as though he was insignificant? As though he was something disgusting, and something she hated to call.

"I understand." Though Isabelle was annoyed, she still responded with politely.

"That'll be all. I'm hanging up."

"Okay. Bye, Aunt."

"Goodbye." When Mrs. Williams finished speaking, she immediately hung up.

After hearing the "doot doot" from her phone, Isabelle brought her phone down and stared at the screen for a while. She hesitated whether to call Alexander to tell him the news or to just leave him a text message.

Before Isabelle could decide, she suddenly received a notification on Instagram. It was sent by Camila.

"Izzy, I just heard from one of the staff members from the crew that she heard from the hotel staff that Producer Johnson's assistant took him to the hospital last night. Also, he was hurt pretty bad. Lots of things in his room were smashed. There was a lot of blood on the floor, shattered glass, and the coffee table was kicked over."

Having heard this news, Isabelle blanked out. Before she could even reply, Camila sent a new voice message. Isabelle clicked it and heard Camila's voice say, "Izzy, let me tell you... Producer Johnson was definitely beat up by Mr. Smith. Last night, Mr. Smith came into his room to rescue you, so I must be right!"

When Isabelle heard Camila's voice message, another one was sent over. "Also, Izzy, I just heard someone say that it wasn't Producer Johnson who wanted to pull out his investment. Mr. Smith wanted Producer Johnson kicked out of the 'Alluring Times' crew. They say that he was arguing with Global Entertainment's board of directors all day today. In the end, he was adamant on forcing Producer Johnson to pull out!"

"Holy shit, Mr. Smith is so arrogant and reckless! A billion! A billion dollars investment. He said he'd kick, and so he just kicks! The world of the wealthy... I just don't get it!"

Isabelle didn't reply to Camila's messages, her friend complained on her own. Seeing as she sent so many messages with no reply, she stopped sending anymore.

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