XLI | A Hint of Jealousy

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"...I'm sure you wouldn't want the entire crew to know that you have a thing for her."

Helen didn't mince her words, turning to leave after reminding Alexander.

Alexander remained emotionless, but deep inside he was in shock.

He had actually forgotten that they were filming, he had even felt his body reacting to her... If it weren't for Helen, he would have exposed his feelings to the entire crew...

All these years he had hidden his feelings so well, but only now did he realize that he had been overestimating his willpower. Or rather, he didn't have much restraint when it came to her.

Alexander shut his eyes, taking a deep breath internally, trying to suppress the frustration in his body.

Isabelle's dance was mesmerizing, captivating everyone's attention. There weren't many people that noticed Alexander's unusual behavior.

But that didn't mean it went unnoticed. Sophia had been observing him, completely taking in Alexander's actions. It was obvious that he had been in a daze due to Isabelle, his fiery intense stare betraying him.

The suspicion that she had suppressed bit at her once again.


After touching up her makeup, Isabelle accidentally spilled water onto her hand as she took a sip. She looked around for her bag, spotting it beside Sophia. "Sis, could you pass me the tissue in my bag."

Sophia was in a daze, her face blank as she opened Isabelle's bag. The moment she opened the bag, she froze as she spotted a familiar looking medicine bottle.

"Sis? Found it?"

Isabelle asked once again, bringing Sophia back to her senses. Sophia passed the tissue over before sweeping another glance over the medicine bottle. Nonchalantly, she pretended that nothing was wrong, zipping Isabelle's bag shut.

That medicine bottle belonged to Alexander.

She was familiar with that bottle. Two years ago, Alexander's assistant had sent her back when she gotten drunk after a gathering. Before leaving the car, he had passed the bottle over to Alexander, reminding him to apply it on his wounds. At that time, she had asked about it out of curiosity. His assistant told her that it was a medicine specially brought that removed scars.

She then asked where she could get it in that city.

Alexander's assistant then told her that there was only one bottle in the whole city and it belonged to Alexander.

But now Isabelle had it too. She had never been there and couldn't have bought the medicine there, so it could only mean that Alexander had given it to her...

The more Sophia thought, the more anxious she got. The second take had already begun, but she still couldn't stay calm, excusing herself to the toilet.

Standing in front of the mirror, she washed her hands in deep thought. She recalled the events from the past few days before coming to a conclusion that Isabelle was the girl Alexander had been in-love with all these years.

Sophia was startled by her revelation, grabbing onto the basin. She looked down at the streaming water, seemingly in shock.

"Miss Davis?"

Sophia looked to the side, seeing Alexander's assistant come out from the men's toilet. She hurriedly swept away her startled expression, smiling towards him as she continued to wash her hands. Casually, she asked, "When did you come back from the city?"

"City? Which city? I was in my room sleeping the entire day," he replied.

"Really? I could have remembered wrongly," she said calmly before smiling slightly once again.

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