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"Is it always this crowded?" I asked Alana as we walked through the main gate of the stadium.

"This is nothing. You should see when we play our rival, that game is insane." She said as she led the way to the student section.

She was wearing a jersey very similar to mine, except she was sporting the number 36, Jack's number. I was surprised, to say the least when I returned home this morning to find her getting ready for the game in it, but I was quickly, and very animatedly, brought up to speed on her night. She claims to have hit it off with him quite fast and was already planning on spending the night with him again tonight.

We finally found some seats toward the middle of the packed student section and sat down just in time for the national anthem to be sung and the game to begin. I spotted Hunter immediately, as he called the team close to have one final huddle before kick off.

The first play began and I was amazed as I saw him run and throw the ball with such ease. Everyone was on their feet screaming his name as he moved the ball down the field play after play. Within the first five minutes of playing time, Hunter threw the ball to Jack securing the first touchdown. Upon scoring, the entire stadium erupted and all of the players began cheering and slapping Hunter on the back. I was never a big fan of sports, but the excitement was contagious and I too found myself jumping up and down screaming his name.

As the crowd of players around him began to disperse, he took off his helmet and looked up into the stands. It wasn't clear what he was looking for until his eyes landed on me and his face broke out into a huge grin. I felt myself blush as the act caused everyone around to look toward me, whispering about who the new girl in the star quarterback's life was.

After the first touchdown, the game went by fast. We ended up on top, beating the other team by over twenty points. All I wanted to do was rush down to the field and kiss him, but I knew that wasn't possible so I followed the heard of people toward the exit.

The team had a press conference after every home game so I wouldn't have the chance to see Hunter before our date tonight. Alana and I headed back to our room to get me ready and I could feel myself getting more and more nervous.

"So where is Romeo taking you tonight?" Alana asks from inside my closet. She is currently rummaging through every piece of clothing I own trying to find the perfect fit for tonight.

"I don't know, he said that this is a surprise. He wants it to be special for our first official date."

"Well that is sweet and all but very unhelpful for me trying to get you ready," She exclaims as she turns to continue her assault on my closet. "Guess it will be a cute and casual vibe." She finally decides as she emerges with a pair of jeans and a flowy off the shoulder black top in her hand.

It was then time for her to stress over the status of my hair and makeup. I decided to just leave my hair, as it was already in loose waves from the earlier game, but we did add a little makeup to my currently bare face. I didn't want to go too crazy, just a little mascara and concealer.

By time Alana was done, it was almost time for Hunter to pick me up. "I'm nervous Lans, what if it doesn't go well? I have never been on a real date before."

As usual, she knew exactly what to say, "You have been hanging out with him for almost two weeks now, don't think of this as a first. You are just hanging out with Hunter again, a guy you have gotten to know and really like. I promise that as soon as you see him all of your fears will go away." Instead of responding I just got up and gave her a big hug. I truly don't know what I would do without her sometimes.

Just as I pulled away there was a knock at the door. "Ah, that must be him! Don't forget your purse. And remember that if you need anything tonight I am just a phone call away." She said as she handed me my black cross body bag. I smiled back and gave her one more quick hug before I walked to the door to let Hunter in.

When I opened the door I was immediately met with a bouquet of pink roses and a wide grin. "You look amazing," was the first thing he said.

"Thank you. And thank you for the flowers, they are beautiful." I said as he handed them to me to place on my desk. Without the flowers in the way, my view of him was no longer obstructed. He looked amazing in his blue jeans and black v-neck that showed off the muscles underneath.

As we made our way out of the building toward the parking lot I asked, "So where are we going?"

"It's a surprise." Was the only I answer I got as he opened the passenger door for me.

The unknown was making me nervous, but Alana was right, the mere sight of Hunter helped my fears fly right out the window. 

Our Corner of the UniverseOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora