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"Are you kidding man, you cannot miss tonight!" Jack said as we made our way out of the locker room.

"I told you, I have to finish a ten page history paper by tomorrow night or else I am fucked." I reminded him of this fact that he was already very well aware of.

I know what you are thinking, why the hell would you wait this long to start such a big paper, but being the starting quarterback of a nationally ranked football team tends to take up a good amount of time.

Jack and I both got into the front of my Range Rover, as Caleb and Andrew, two other boys from the team, climbed into the back seat. I started up the car and began the short drive back to our frat, Delta Kappa Epsilon, the house where the best of the on-campus athletes lived.

As we pulled up I could already see the guys getting ready for the party tonight. "Jack, just look at it this way, if I'm not here all the girls will be forced to talk to you." I joked receiving a light shove in response.

While it was just a joke, there was some truth to the statement. I always had girls flocking me, due to the me being the quarterback of the football team, being in the most popular frat, and of course my ridiculous good looks. But of course I wasn't complaining, most nights I welcomed the attention and took advantage of it as much as I could.

Once I got inside the house, I ran upstairs to my room to shower quickly and get changed in some comfy sweats. After feeling refreshed from my crazy practice today, I grabbed the books I needed and my laptop and headed toward the library.

As I left the house and walked past the group of guys currently setting up the beer pong table I almost second guessed spending my night studying, but I knew it had to be done so I reluctantly made my way to the library.

By the time I arrived it was already dark outside and the building seemed to be basically empty. Makes sense though, I mean who would be here studying at 9pm on a Saturday night?

I headed toward a study room and got to work on the tedious research paper at hand.


After about an hour I was only two pages in and was already losing focus. I clicked back to the email from my professor with the description of the assignment and read over it again to make sure I was on the right track. As I was reading I saw a small note that stated that at least one source had to be a hard copy book.

Well fuck.

How old was this guy? Doesn't he know that literally no one uses actual books anymore? I didn't even know where the history books in this library were.

I rolled my eyes and walked out of the small study room I had reserved to find the library even more vacant than when I first walked in. I made my way to the circulation desk to find a student volunteer sitting on his phone not paying attention to anything. I don't blame him I thought as I reached the desk.

"Hi, where would I find the history books?" I asked.

"Top floor," was the only response I got before the boy went back to whatever game he was playing on his phone.

I groaned as I walked up the stairs to the fourth floor. I had never actually been on this floor before, and was met with rows and rows of large wooden bookshelves. I didn't even know where to begin looking so I decided to just roam hoping I would find them somewhere.

It seemed as if no one was on the floor, so I was quite shocked when a girl turned the corner ramming right into my chest. She stumbled backwards quite clumsily and then straightened herself out and looked up, giving me the first actual glimpse of her face.

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