Chapter 10

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Chapter Ten - Attack

This morning, Asher doesn't join me at the table like he usually does so after finishing my food I decide to go and check on him. When I don't find him in his bedroom, I start making my way towards his office. However, I bump into Vito when I turn the corner, crying out when I lose my balance. He pulls me right up before I fall to the ground, making a loud noise of relief.

"There you are!" He exclaims grumpily, taking my hand and dragging me down the hallway. "I've been looking everywhere for you!"

"I was having breakfast. What's wrong?"

"Fuck, I forgot you have to eat." He mutters, shaking his head. "Asher is pissed off and since you're his beloved, we figured you're our only hope to stop him from going on a rampage."

Before we even enter the office, I can tell that he's in there based off his scent. I look up at Vito with wide eyes when I hear glass shattering. He shrugs before opening the door and shoving me in with a "good luck!" Glaring at the closed door, I turn around only for my jaw to drop in horror at the destruction in front of me.

Everything has been turned over and I must step carefully to avoid broken wood and shattered glass on the carpeted floor. Asher snarls in anger, kicking over the armchair. His posture and expression both indicate that he's exhausted but furious. I call his name, hurrying over to stop him from punching the wall. Grabbing his arm, I force him to sit down on the couch which miraculously survived his anger.

"What's wrong?" I ask gently, frowning when he only shakes his head and pulls me to straddle his lap.

Running my fingers through his hair, I let him calm down as he breathes in my scent. His face is nestled into the crook of my neck and his arms are wrapped around me tightly. Although we are not bonded, I can sense his distress which makes me eager to fix it. I have a feeling this has something to do with Blithe but I hope she hasn't hurt anybody else.

"Two more clans were wiped out this morning and the neighboring ones are hysterical, demanding that I do something to ensure their safety." He finally explains, leaning back against the couch. "That's five clans in two months alone. I'm trying so hard to track her down but I fear that there won't be a kingdom left by then."

"Why not ask for help from other – oh..." I trail off in realization, remembering that the lines of communication have been destroyed. "Have you thought of anything?"

"I was thinking of moving them to a safe house like the rest as they're hidden and Blithe won't be able to find them because they were created long ago and are constantly secured with magic."

"But?" I gesture for him to continue, knowing that if it was possible he would have done it already.

"There's no room anywhere, the safe houses are already filled up with people she's previously hurt." He sighs, rubbing his face tiredly.

I sit there thinking, trying to come up with a solution when it hits me. "What about the guest house here? It looks like it hasn't been used in a while and there's plenty of space to put in beds."

"We stopped using that building years ago but we can definitely try to fit everyone there." He mutters before turning to me with a grin. "Smart idea, thank you."

"I can help clean it up and make sure everyone's settled in well?" I offer eagerly, pouting when he frowns, ready to disagree.

"Alright but get the maids and guards to help you." He grumbles but I catch a fleeting smile as I kiss his cheek in appreciation.

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