Chapter 5

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Chapter Five - Lock-down

He thought it would be better to talk when we reached the castle and so, I waited. My mind is running chaotically and I can't seem to sit still. It's only when we start on a long, stone path to the biggest castle I've ever seen do I perk up in interest. The building is made entirely out of stone with evident Romanian influences in its architecture. Tall towers stand proudly, coated in black at the very top. Evergreen trees surround the castle but the gardens lined with stone walls are plain with no flowers or plants. I doubt much would grow with the lack of sunshine here.

Asher parks the car by the arched doorway, taking my hand and guiding me up the steps. The two guards salute him before opening the doors, letting us inside. The interior isn't cosy and bright, instead it's dark and antique. Traditional furniture meets my eyes with portraits on the wall, encased in gold frames.

I don't have much time to look around further when Asher pulls me into what seems like his personal study. I'm greeted by one dominant color; brown. There's a dark wooden desk with a computer and stationary on it, bookshelves lining the whole room. I see a window on my far right with two grey armchairs near it, a wooden coffee table sitting between them. Black and grey accents run through the room and everything gels well together, but it's very traditional at the same time.

"You're not going to like this." He states with a heavy sigh, pushing me to sit on the armchair. "I have banned everyone from traveling or using their gifts so until I lift it, you cannot go back home."

"Why?" I whimper, dread filling me at the thought of not seeing my parents.

"My cousin was dating a powerful witch but cheated on her, and now she's out for revenge. She's hurting any person she comes across whether that be in person or while they are using their gifts. Until I take care of her, I can't let you leave." He explains gently, stroking my hair.

"Just take me to a portal or something. Please Asher, I –"

"Darling, try to understand –" He starts, crouching so that he's eye level with me.

"Please Asher, please just let me visit my parents." I tear up, begging at this point.

"Ayla," He murmurs brokenly, wiping my tears as he picks me up and takes my seat, placing me on his lap. "The entire kingdom is on lock down. Nobody can travel, magic or no magic. I'm sorry but it's extremely dangerous. She's already killed a lot of people."

"I'm so scared, I just want my parents." I mumble tiredly, resting my head on his chest in exhaustion.

"I know, sweetheart. I know." He whispers, rubbing my back soothingly. "I'm trying my best to find her."

We sit in silence for a while and I take comfort from his warm embrace. However, I'm slightly distracted by the tingles dancing on my skin as he trails his fingertips up and down my arm. Shivering at the feeling, I involuntarily cuddle up to him. His hold tightens on me in response as he presses a lingering kiss to my temple. 

"It's not so bad. We can use this time to get to know each other before your dad murders me." He chuckles, making me pull away to look at him.

"Asher..." I murmur, cupping his cheek. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel like I'm not happy to have found you."

"I know." He smiles, squeezing my hip in reassurance. "You're in an unknown place, far from home. I understand how scared you are."

He pulls me up, saying how I need clean clothes to change into and it's only then that I realize I'm still in my pink pajamas with slippers. Mortified, I follow behind as he guides me up the stairs and to the end of the hall. I step into the room and look around discreetly while he disappears into a walk-in closet.

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