Chapter Fifteen

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OKay here it is! I hope you all enjoy it and I want to say thank you to everybody that has been reading this it means so much. I was gonna stop at 20 chapters but I don't think 5 more chapters will be enough to get what I want around so I'll make it longer than twenty. 

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After about 30 minutes my tears finally stopped falling. Liam still help me in his arms so close to his chest. I couldn’t believe that this was the second time I let him see me crying. I was happy that he wasn’t pushing me into talking about something I didn’t want to talk about.

Eventually I pushed myself up off the floor, walked over to the mirror that was in the doorway. I wiped away the tears, smoothed down my hair and my clothes. I turned back towards Liam with a plastered smile on my face.

“Are you ready to go?” I asked. I knew my eyes were still puffy but I could play that off as sleep.

“Are you sure you want to go to school today? Whatever was in that letter must’ve been horrific. The look on your face before you fell to the ground was terrifying. It’s like you found out that you or someone you loved were dying.” Liam walked closer to me but I didn’t want to talk about this subject anymore. 

I pushed away the tears that threatened to fall, “Look can we just go? I don’t want to dwell on what the note said.”

I walked towards the front door and picked up my bag, “You coming?” I asked looking over my shoulder at Liam.

On the way to school we stopped by the local coffee shop and grabbed some coffee. I grabbed a hazelnut cappuccino to go and Liam just got a black coffee.

The ride to school was awkward. I wasn’t expecting this much tension between us because what had happened. I really hoped that he would just let it go but I knew from the look on his face that he had wanted to know exactly what the note had said.

I wasn’t going to tell him, I probably would tell my father but I would never tell Liam. I don’t want him to feel sorry for me.

We pulled to a stop but we were in an empty parking lot. No cars or buildings around, I started to get confused.

“Where are we? Cause I can tell that this is not the school.” I said looking over at Liam.

He wore a strange expression and it was hard for me to read it.

“Look, I know we just met but I want to know what’s going on. What was on that note and don’t tell me that it isn’t anything because I know that it was something.” He finally spoke up.

Well moment of truth time I guess. He was going to find out eventually wasn’t he? So why couldn’t I just go ahead and spit it out already. The reason why I’m an only child, the reason why my dad and I moved out here, the reason why I started panicking over the note, I mean I guess he has a right to know the truth.

I cleared my throat and began, “The reason I moved here was because my mother was abusive. She’s been abusive towards me since I was ten years old. The year after my brother was killed in a horrific boating accident. It was my fault, if I hadn’t of gone inside he wouldn’t have been out in the water and the boat would never have ran him over.” I could feel the tears falling from my face but I continued, “My mom knew that it was my fault to. She made sure that I would never forget it. Every time someone brought up my brother’s name or the memory of him, especially if it was me, later she would beat me. About a month ago my father caught her in the act, if he hadn’t I probably would’ve been dead.”

I wiped the tears off of my face they were falling even faster now, “We went to court and I got my mom put away for 5 – 10 years. The day you came to get your dog I got a mysterious phone call from her saying she was going to get me and then I found out from my dad’s lawyer that she might get out in nine months for good behavior. Hence why you saw me crying on the beach, the note I received today was from her. She said she wasn’t going to let me hurt anybody else she was going to get me soon. As in she was going to kill me.”

I looked up at Liam and I tried to study his expression but I couldn’t read his thoughts. I wish I could but it’s not something that anybody can do.

“Listen I don’t want you feeling sorry for me because of what happened. I just felt like you should know. I know we’ve only known each other for two days but I feel like I can trust and I don’t know why. If you feel sorry for me than I don’t wanna be friends with you, if you don’t want to be friends with me I’ll-“

I couldn’t finish my sentence because Liam cut me off my crashing his lips down on mine. It was a fiery passionate kiss. It wasn’t gentle either, it was rough. He bit my lower lip asking for permission and I granted it to him. We’ve known each other for two days but this, this right here, felt completely right. 

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