Chapter Two

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Okay so this Chapter again is just another filler before we get to teh actual testimonies. I felt as if I put it in this chapter it would make the chapter really long and I didn't want that. But I am working on the next chapter now so be prepared. It may be a little emotional. You may also be asking yourselves where her brother is, you'll find out in the next chapter I promise!

Commet and vote please! 

(sorry for spelling/grammar mistakes)


When we got to the courthouse I froze before even walking up the steps to the big brown double doors. This was it. I was going to have to face my mother for the first time in an entire month. This was the woman that was supposed to love me more than anything in the world, the person who gave birth to me. She was the person who was never supposed to let me down or hurt me. Yet she had managed to hurt me and let me down, as well as hate me.

I fought back the urge to let tears fall down my face. Taking a deep breath I climbed the stairs and met my father and his lawyer at the doors.

My father looked at me with concern in his eyes, “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine; I’m just ready to get this over with. I never want to see her face again.” I said just as the lawyer opened the door to the courthouse.

The floor was white marble and a giant golden chandelier hung from the ceiling. The sight was breathtaking and I caught myself wondering why such a beautiful place held terrible things. Why go through the efforts of making victims and criminals sit in a beautiful place while they’re being put on trial or giving statements? I guess a comforting environment was better than a rundown old building.

“Ma’am, can you please remove your shoes and step through the detector?” A security officer asked me snapping me out of my thoughts.

“Sorry” I mumbled as I did what the security guard asked

After walking through the detector and putting my shoes back on, we headed down the long hallway that lead to my mother’s courtroom.

I stood outside the double doors, this is it. The moment is finally here. I felt sick to my stomach, I didn’t want to do this but I had to. I needed to make sure that my mother got put away and was never allowed to see me. She made me afraid for my life. I just couldn’t believe that she had turned into this monster.

Letting out a deep breath I walked into the room falling in step with my father and his lawyer. That’s when I saw her, she turned around and looked at me; nobody else but me. She was wearing an orange jumpsuit and her hair was in a knotted mess.

She looked so sad, as if she had been crying herself to sleep every night since she was put away. Maybe she realized what she had done wrong. Maybe she’s changed since she’s seen what could happen to her. I shook those thoughts from my head. Hatred then consumed my entire body. I hated her for what she had done to me. I’m glad she’s going to jail, she won’t be able to hurt me ever again and I’m glad about that.

She smiled at me, a weary smile but it was still a smile. I almost smiled back but instead I shot her a death glare. I hated her with every fiber in my being.

 As I sat down next to my father, a police officer came out from behind the closed wooden door and said, “All rise, the honorable Judge Davidson presiding.”

We all stood up as the judge walked out of his chambers and took his seat. When he banged his mallet thing on his desk he said, “Court is now in session, you may sit.”

So we all sat back down and I just watched as my mother defense attorney got up. She was wearing a black pantsuit that suited her body. She was gorgeous with her long blond hair flowing just below her shoulder blades. I couldn’t help but be jealous of her, she was gorgeous.

I was pulled out of my thoughts as she spoke, “Your honor on the night of August 14, 2009 my client, Cynthia Montgomery, was arrested on the charges of child abuse. Her husband, Jay Montgomery, walked into his house at 5:30 in the evening to find his wife walking over towards his daughter, Kendall Montgomery. Kendall was in the fetal position against the wall and her mother was walking towards her. My client was not seen touching Kendall in a harmful way, instead she was seen as walking towards her daughter.” She took a breath and looked at my mother, “A mother would never lay a hand on their child no matter what she has done wrong. I ask you, the jury and the people in this room, to look over at my client and ask yourselves one question if you will. Does Cynthia Montgomery look like the type of mother that would abuse her child or inflict harm on her in any way?”

I couldn’t help the tears that had started to run down my face. No, my mother doesn’t look like she would abuse me but she had. Looks can be deceiving. My father laid his hand on my shoulder in a comforting way. I looked over him and plastered a fake smile on my face and he knew it was a fake one.

I could see the jury looking at my mother and I could tell what they were thinking. They were thinking that there was no way that she would ever inflict harm on her child. This made me furious, just because she looked as if she was a caring and loving mother I knew that she wasn’t.

“Your honor, I would like to call my first witness to the stand.” My mother’s lawyer asked.

“Precede” Judge Davidson said.

“As my first witness, I would like to call Cynthia Montgomery to the stand.” She said and my mother stood up being helped over by a police officer.

“Raise your right hand” he said holding out the holy bible, “Do you solemnly swear or affirm that you will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you god?”

My mother placed her hand on the bible and said, “I swear.”

I rolled my eyes because she wasn’t going to tell the truth, she was going to try anything she could to get out of this. 

AbusedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora