Chapter 17 - The decision

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Mila's POV

I was trailing my fingertip around my cup, lost in my thoughts. I met up with Lucas at the cafe.

"What happened? You lost in your thoughts." Lucas asked, giving me a compassionate look. "Don't be sad because of that bastard. He isn't worth." He commented.

I sighed sadly while playing with my fingers, looking down.

"It isn't just about him." I mumbled. He gave me a questioning look. I sighed and confessed. "I am pregnant."

His eyes widened in surprise. He opened and closed his eyes without managing to tell anything.

"...What?" He mumbled, astonished.

"I am pregnant." I repeated shyly. "I don't know how I will tell my parents. Especially to my mother. She will be disappointed in me." I muttered, depressed and ruffled my hair. "And when paparazzi find out about it, it will be a scandal." I added as my eyes welled up. I looked at my fingers, trying to hold my stubborn tears. "I am a disgrace to my parents." I sobbed. "I am sorry. I am just overwhelmed. I didn't want to bother you with my problems. And please, don't tell anyone." I gave him a begging look.

"You can trust me, Mila." Lucas said honestly and placed his hand on top of mine on the table.

"Thank you, Lucas. You are really a good friend. You always support me when I need you." I gave him a slight smile.

He took a sip from his drink, thinking. He lifted his head up and looked at me.

"Will you marry me, Mila?" He asked, looking into my eyes.

I choked on my tea in surprise. "...What?" I mumbled, dumbfounded.

"Will you marry me? I promise you I will be always beside you and accept your baby as my child. I love you so much. You know it. More than just friends. Please, give me a chance to make you happy." He stated, looking at me hopefully.

"Lucas...I..." I mumbled.

"Don't answer right away. Think about it for awhile." He said softly. "But don't take long." He added, smiling as he pointed to my stomach. I gave him a half smile as I rested my hand on my belly.

I was leaning against the headboard in my room. I was stroking my belly gently, lost in my thoughts.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door, interrupting my thoughts.

"Come in." I said as I pulled my hand away from my stomach.

The door opened and my mother walked in. She closed the door and approached me, giving me a warm smile.

"How are you?" She asked softly.

"Fine, Mom." I murmured, forcing a smile.

She sighed and sat down beside me on the bed. She placed her hand on top of my hand.

"Mila, you should pull yourself together. He isn't worth it." She said, giving me a sympathetic look.

"I know, Mom. Just...I..." I shrugged my shoulders without finishing my sentence.

She gave me a compassionate look, squeezing my hand.

"It will pass, dear. Just give some time. You will find a good man who will love you." She commented. I looked away without saying anything. "Hopefully, he showed his true colours in the beginning, and you kept your promise." She added. I bit my lower lip, blushing and averted my gaze. "Otherwise, it could be worse. You could get pregnant with his baby. I don't think he would even support you when you told him about it." She said, shaking her head. I looked away in guilt. "But you are my good girl. You listened to me, and you didn't repeat my mistakes." She gave me a warm smile and stroked my cheek gently.

I forced a slight smile while my eyes welled up. I tried to hold myself from crying.

I am sorry, Mom. I am not a good daughter. I didn't listen to your warnings.

Stupid, Mila!

As much as I felt bad because of breaking my promise, I didn't regret one thing: being pregnant with my baby. I already love him or her and feel excited to hold my baby in my arms.

"Come on, let's go downstairs. Your father is worried about you too." She said softly.

"I will come later. I am tired. I want to rest a little." I lied. She nodded, stroking my hair and left.

I grabbed my phone, breathing deeply and called Lucas. I asked him to meet up with me at the cafe. He told me he would be there in twenty-five minutes.

I was sipping my tea while waiting for Lucas at the cafe.

I decided to accept his offer. I couldn't disappoint my parents. How I could tell my mother that I trusted Tristan as an idiot and broke my promise. And now I was carrying his baby. It would be a big shock to my mother as well as my father.

Suddenly, the door opened and Lucas walked in. As he saw me, he gave me a bright smile and approached me.

I bit my lower lip nervously as I tried to find how I would start the conversation.

"Umm...I thought about your offer." I mumbled.

He placed his cup down on the saucer and entwined his hands, looking at me attentively.

"I...I accept your offer. I will marry you." I informed. His eyes lit up instantly.

"You made me the happiest man in the world, Mila. I promise you I will make you happy." He said, excited and placed his hand on top of my hand on the table.

I cleared my throat and bit my lower lip nervously. "But... I can not share a bed with you. I am not ready for it now. It is so soon for me." I confessed shyly. "So if you don't want this marriage..."

"No, I want!" He cut me off. "It doesn't matter. I will wait as much as you want. You will have a spare room. Don't worry." He gave me a warm smile.

"Thank you, Lucas." I gave him a lazy smile.

I couldn't share a bed with Lucas when my heart belonged to....Tristan. I would feel disgusted by Lucas's every touch. I wasn't ready for it now. As much as Tristan shattered my heart into a billion pieces and ruined my dreams, I still loved him. I couldn't forget him. I hated and loved him at the same time.

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