Chapter 19

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Katie and Lily were trying to prepare on there graduation. They were more then ready to get into the real world.

Lily had bought a house by the sea with James which they were getting the key from soon.

Sirius was going to do an internship at the Ministry of Magic to become an auror. Remus was going to do some travelling in order of Albus Dumbledore. Peter was going to a University in Oxford. A magical University to study further.

Lily was going to a school to become a healer. Katie was getting herself ready to be ready for an underwaterworld.

Katie actually spend quite a bit of time with Sirius. They made long walks on the schoolgrounds. Reminising memories about their relationship that they once had and how they were just kids.

Katie still hadn't seen Severus and she didn't want to see him at all. Not after what he called her. He called her a halfbreed and Lily a mudblood.

Katie sighted when she saw Severus near the lake alone. 'Severus', she whispered. 'Go away', Severus said. 

'Look, I don't want it to end like this, we are both going our way, each a different path in life, but we can at least try and not let it end on a bad note', Katie said. 

Severus turned towards her and Katie could see regret in his eyes, but also anger. 'You are leaving, leaving to live your life under water, don't you think I didn't saw that coming. You only think about yourself, you are leaving the people you know behind, the people you love and the people who love you, it's selfish', Severus said. 

Katie sighted, but listened to him. She knew he had a point. Do you give me a reason to stay then?', Katie said hoping for a good ensure. 

'I just gave you an ensure to it, you didn't heard me correctly, but that was always our problem, communication', Severus said. 

'It wasn't my problem, I communicated okay, I told you everything, I told you that I am a mermaid, you used it against me and called me a halfbreed in the heat of the moment from an agrument, which is just as bad as calling Lily a mudblood', Katie said. 

'Well then, I guess we will never work', Severus said. 'I guess we won't', Katie stated. 'I don't know if we will see each other again after graduation', Severus said. 'I don't think we will', Katie whispered with tears in her eyes. 

'I guess this is goodbye then', Severus said. Severus felt sad as well. He felt that this was a goodbye forever, he would never see Katie again. They couldn't forgive each other, get passed what happened this time. He knew that he was the one to blame for it. Calling names like halfbreed or mudblood were so very wrong from him. But out of pride he can't apologize, he won't apologize, that would make him weak.  

'Goodbye Severus', Katie whispered and she turned around and left. 

She met up with Lily who was concerned about her friend. 'What happened?', Lily said. 'Severus', Katie said. 'What did he do this time, oh wait he didn't do a thing, that is his thing right', Lily said sarcastic. 'We said goodbye to each other, we didn't left fighting, but it is clear to me that he won't apologize for what he did, I think he thinks that apologizing makes you weak. It doesn't, it makes you stronger, the better person, but I am tired of being the better person', Katie said. 

'Oh Katie. I'm so sorry. I know that you really loved him', Lily said. 'Loved, passed sentence. I always thought that my love would last forever, that I would leave Hogwarts with the greatest love of my life, like you have found James', Katie said. 

'What about me', James said behind them. 'Oeef you scared me', Lily said laughing. 'Seriously, what about me, you guys were talking about me, I heard my name', James said. 'In a good way James, I just said that it is a pity that I didn't found my true love like you and Lily did, I always expected myself to leave Hogwarts with him', Katie said. 

'Your still sad about that sad case of an ex-boyfriend of yours?', Sirius said annoyed. 'We just said goodbye okay, give me a break', Katie said. 'Come on Katie, you deserve way better than that broody git, you know that too', Sirius said.

'Sirius is right, you deserve way better then him, life is too short to dwell on it, you are getting into a new life now, start enjoying it, weather it is under water or not, we will stand behind you because we are your friends', James said. 

'Wow James, those are way too wise words for you', Remus said. Everybody laughed. 

I'm thinking... One more chapter until I start writing the sequel. I honestly can't wait to write the sequel :) 

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