Chapter 16

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Katie never thought that her last month would be so difficult. She tried to talk to Severus multiple times, but he ignored her and hung out with the Lestrange girl and Malfoy guy. 

'Still no luck with Severus?', Lily said. Katie was shaking her head and she took a deep breath. 'No. I did it all wrong, I betrayed his trust, I deserve this', Katie said. 'No, you don't deserve this, stop that talk now, Severus had the right to be pissed for you not telling him Remus his furry problem, but this reaction is not needed', Lily said. 

'I betrayed him Lily, you don't get it. Trust is everything, there are certain things about Severus that even you don't know, things he told me, things I told him, because we trusted each other. Now he has the feeling he can't trust me anymore, his actions towards me are justified, I just wished that I could make it right somehow, I miss him you know', Katie said. 

Lily sighted and hugged her best friend. 'Come on, let's go for a walk, the Black Lake looks beautiful', Lily said in an attempt to distract her best friend. 

'Yes, let's go for a walk, air is good', Katie said. Just at that time Sirius and James walked towards them. 'Hey heading out?', Sirius said. 'Yes, it's girls time James, so no we don't need or want your company', Lily stated. 'No need to be rude about it', James pouted. 

Lily pushed James out of the way and dragged Katie outside. 'Thanks, I wasn't in the mood for James or Sirius his comments', Katie said. 'I thought so, they are amazing, but they can be so utterly stupid sometimes', Lily said. 

'Boys are stupid', Katie mumbled. 'Correct about that, hey I had a question, did you saw Nesitah again?', Lily asked. 'Uuuh no, the last time we spoke was 2 weeks ago, she was busy with merfolk things, top secret things she can't tell me about, she said she would be meeting me before the school ended', Katie said. 

'Have you decided what you are going to do with the whole mermaid thing, you know, living under water with your mom or staying here?', Lily asked. 

'I don't really know Lily. I know I have you as my best friend here on land. But I must confess that I crave the underwaterworld more and more', Katie confessed. 'Do you think that might have something to do with a certain someone who you are on the outs with', Lily asked hopefull. 'No, I am sure that I had that feeling before that, it feels like it's pulling me in', Katie said. 

'Pulling you in how?', Lily asked. 'I'm drawn to it, like I won't be able to resist it at some point, especially now the ending of school is near, I also feel like I should know the other side of me, I am a mermaid too, a witch yes, but a mermaid too. I feel like I've learned enough about being a witch and now it's the waters turn to teach me', Katie said. 

Lily sighted. 'What', Katie said and she stopped walking. Lily sat down on the grass. 'Professor Dumbledore had warned me that this might happen', she sighted. 'You mean that he knew about my upcoming urges', Katie said surprised. Lily nodded. 'Why didn't he told me, or warned me about them', Katie said. 'The same reason you haven't told Remus his secret to Severus, he loves you Katie, professor Dumbledore loves you like a father loves his daughter, he has raised you', Lily said. 

Katie jumped into the Black lake and let herself turn into a mermaid. Her tail swooping around, splashing the water. 

'Look at me Lily, do I look like I fully belong in your world?', Katie said. Lily looked at her. 'To me you look like my best friend, tail or not. You know I don't care Katie', Lily said. 

'I love you for it, don't get me wrong, but you or anybody else would understand how I feel unless you are a halfbreed too. I feel torn apart sometimes Lily, I don't know where I belong. I confess that I now know less now Severus is gone', Katie said. 

'Oh Katie, you are an amazing witch, a very dear friend to me and you have a big heart. Don't let it stop you from what you really want, in the end you will see, you know what you have to do', Lily said and she helped Katie out of the water who dried herself off with steam coming out of her wand and she turned back into her human form. 

Katie hugged Lily. 'Thanks Lily', she mumbled. 'Anytime sweetie, anytime', Lily said. 

'Have you figured out what you are going to do when your done with Hogwarts', Katie asked. 'Uhm, I want to become a healer', Lily said. 'And James?', Katie asked. 'We will find a house together, hopefully he is going to ask to merry him, I would say 'yes'. He wants to be an auror at the Ministry of Magic, then we would have lots of babies, little Potters running around, how does that sound', Lily said. 

'It sounds amazing, but you remember what you said about that right', Katie said grinning. 'I remember, you will become their godmother. The only person I would trust with my children', Lily said. Katie hugged her best friend again. Lily reminded her about the future, a future without doubts. A future with happiness in it. She liked that future. She wanted that future, but the future will always be unknown for thos who aren't skilled in prodicting phrophecies. 

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