Chapter 25

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My hand instinctively grabs the handle of my sword behind my back and I ease the blade out of the scabbard. Hatchman marches forward and I hoist the sword above my head, hand extended out in a defensive stance.

"I said what the hell is this?" Hatchman snaps, voice ricocheting off the walls.

"Guys," I hiss, addressing the clumped group of people behind me. "Run down the stairs now. Get on the train. I will follow." I step forward, keeping my eyes locked with Hatchman's icy ones.

"Not going to happen, Red Leaf!" Hatchman says, advancing forward and yanking a small gun from his belt.

My eyes widen and I launch myself at him, catching him off guard. My boot connects with his chest, reflexively pulling the trigger as he falls to the ground. The bullet slams into the wall, sending my teeth grinding and ears ringing. I kick the pistol out of his hand and crush his wrist under my boot, bringing the blade to his throat.

"Go now!" I shout at the prisoners. "Go!"

I hear them trample away and down the stairs.

"You will not win, Red Leaf," Hatchman hisses above the footsteps. "Edward will strike back with the venom of a cobra. You just wait."

"I will face that when the time comes." I push the blade closer to his flesh and he shrinks back.

My ears suddenly become aware of the growing thud of dozens of boots. The Red Guards flood the room, long blades are drawn. I leap up at once, momentarily forgetting about Hatchman.

A man at the front speaks first. "We have sent staff up to tend to Edward. We know what you did, Elizabeth."

I knew that damn lock in the common room would not last. But I hoped it would last longer than this. I swing my sword and point it in their direction. Dozens of angry blades glare back at me and panic ebbs at my heart. I swallow bodily and throw myself into the fray, unleashing the hungry anger within. I take the man who spoke down quickly, my sword slicing into his throat. My ears briefly register his gurgle of death before my senses become overwhelmed by the cacophony of clashing metal and more screams. I manage to break away from the tightening circle of Red Guards and leap for the stairs. Swords and hands grapple for me as I jump down each set of steps.

"For God's sake, get her!" Hatchman screams and I push myself harder.

As I, at last, reach the station, the terrified prisoners all stare from the windows of the train. The train jolts forward and many of them scream.

"Elle, the train is leaving!" Terra shrieks, waving her hand at me wildly as I shove my sword in its scabbard. "Come on!"

An animalistic sound erupts from Hatchman behind me and a bullet sends my ears roaring, followed by an all-consuming fire on my shoulder. Knees buckling, I cry out as I hit the floor. Ignoring the agony, I scramble to my feet. The train picks up speed, beginning to exit the station. Adrenaline soars through my veins and I scream, driving my legs into the pavement. Planting my foot at the edge of the platform, I launch myself into the air. For a brief respite, I'm suspended in air. My heart raps against my ribs and my ears swell with temporary deafness. Then my hands wrap around the rungs of the ladder at the back of the train, practically yanking my arms out of the sockets as I grip with every bit of strength I have and the abyss of the tunnel swallows me whole, leaving Hatchman and the Red Guards behind.

The wind rushing past me burns my eyes and I squeeze them shut, gripping onto the metal rung while the train speeds through the tunnel. Finally, the train emerges onto the surface, the stars winking above my head at last. Gathering my wits, I grit my teeth and reach for the protruding metal pole on the corner of the train, inching my toes along the platform. The door on the carriage slams to the side and a hand grabs my wrist. The woman pulls me inside and someone else shuts the door behind me. I collapse to the floor, panting heavily as waves of agony wash over me.

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