Chapter 17

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The shadows of the forest engulf us. But not enough to keep the deranged from continuing their pursuit. I drive my feet into the dirt, propelling myself forward, leaping over roots and shrubs. I do not look back. I keep my eyes trained into the depths of the forest, pushing harder, faster to reach it. Yells and shrieks follow our wake, the haunting chant of my name sending panic through my veins, spurring me onwards.

At one point, Ruben trips and tumbles to the ground. The diseased immediately descend upon him, grappling their despicable hands all over him. I scream and turn back, using my dagger to push them off and yank him back to his feet.

"Come on!" Aston shouts, waving at us frantically.

We continue running.

Then all at once, the yells and chants of the diseased stop. I glance over my shoulder to see that they no longer chase. They have gathered in a cluster, wild, red eyes fixated on us. Many of them grin manically, but they no longer pursue.

Then the lady at the front, the one with half a finger, shouts, "We will meet again, Elizabeth Fallon. That's a promise."

The hairs on my skin raise and I open my mouth to respond but Ruben grabs my arm and gives it a tug. "Come on, Elle."

Snapping back to focus, I turn on my heel and jog after my friends, drawing in air slowly to hold the terror within. We keep moving forward, into the depths of the forest in silence, putting as much distance as possible between ourselves and the diseased. Now forced to travel the remaining journey to Aurelia on foot, we do our best to trek parallel to the train track, despite that we can no longer see it. Among the tightly knit trees and thick canopy, darkness settles early.

"We should probably stop for the night. It has been a long day," Monet says, breaking the long silence.

None of us disagrees. I glance around the gloom, settling my gaze on a tree with a thick base. "Let's camp there."

"Has anyone thought of an explanation for what happened earlier?" Monet asks as the four of us sit on the forest floor and begin digging into our food supplies.

"They said they had the Drown, but I don't recall the virus turning people into crazed monsters," Aston muses, tearing off a bite of beef jerky and chewing.

"Do you remember how 110 years ago, not everyone was affected by the virus?" Ruben asks, glancing around inquisitively. We all nod in response. "Young people were immune. But then the virus mutated and suddenly not everyone was immune. What if the virus has mutated again?"

"Oh my God, and it affects the brain and people's behaviour," I conclude.

Ruben nods. "I remember when I worked with Hatchman, I overheard him once talking to my father about how it could happen one day. And this might be it."

"Holy shit," Aston mutters, twirling his knife absentmindedly in his hand.

"I think we need to have someone keep watch tonight. We can take turns," Monet suggests, taking a swig of water.

I volunteer to take the first watch, knowing full well that after today's events, I am far from sleep.

The others begin to settle down. I allow Ruben to lay his head on my lap and gently run my fingers through his hair, both coaxing him to sleep and keeping me calm.

Does Edward Mallory know about this possible mutation? If he doesn't then his efforts to find a cure will not be successful. But what could it mean for what remains of humanity? Will we be able to resist the disease? Or will we face extinction once again?

Soon enough, my shift as watch comes to an end. I consider not bothering to wake Aston and stay on. But I know my friends enough to have learned that they would not be impressed. Careful not to wake Ruben in my lap, I lean over, reaching through the darkness and gently tap Aston on the shoulder. I hear him stir.

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