Chapter three

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According to my mom fist day of work was the best. Oh how wrong she was. Fist day and I was already filing a hades tone of paper work and making lunch.
The only reason it wasn't burnt is because the blessing from Hestia.

" food done" I said dully walking in and placing it onto tony starks desk.

" took you long enough" he huffed pulling out a few wires from a control panel.

" I need you to stay over time" he grumbled.

" w-what. No sorry mr Stark I can't, my mom and step dad are coming over for dinner" I complained, God's help me if I had to endure another second more of this.

" I said so. So you have to" he snapped back before facing his equipment.

" your doing it wrong" I muttered plainly. He was conversing the wires the wrong way. Doing that would most likely cause and explosion.

" what do you mean. I'm Tony Stark I'm not doing it wrong" he said proudly.

Sighing I reached over to his project and snapped the wires together the whole device lighting up.

"I learnt some stuff from a family member last year" I said as he shot me a confused look. This 'family member' just happened to be the god of forges, he was nice enough to bless me along with all the other Olympians and a few minor gods if they wanted to willingly.

" who was this family member" he inquired. Mildly intrigued.

" he's my cousin. Specialises in mechanics. Nothing special" I muttered hoping he never heard me, we all know how the gods are.

" I'm going home mr Stark. I'll see you tomorrow" I said picking up my bag and leaving the tower.

Dinner was a breeze. We had lasagna and chips with a side of salad and Paul told story's about his job as a teacher and how one of the kids almost got expelled for falling down the stairs. Stupid right?

So after mom and Paul left everything was dull. I payed the rest my taxes and just sat down on my couch falling asleep. The usual.


I'm actually ashamed by this but I'm posting this anyway soooo yep

I'm actually ashamed by this but I'm posting this anyway soooo yep

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