50 Girls Names that Start with I

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1} Isla - Rocky place/Island ☆

2} Isabelle - God is my oath

3} India - Body of water

4} Ida - Hardworking

5} Ivy - A vine ☆

6} Ira - Watchfull

7} Ireland - Gaelic Goddess

8} Indiana - Indian territory

9} Inez - Purity

10} Indigo - Dark blue

11} Iman - Faith

12} Imeria - Royal ☆

13} Idelle - Bountiful

14} Idra - Fig tree

15} Ignia - Fiery

16} Irene - Peace

17} Imena - Dreamer

18} Isabella - Devoted to God

19} Infinity - Endless

20} Ivona - Yew

21} Iris - Rainbow ☆

22} Ismeria - Protection

23} Isola - Island

24} Israel - After the angel

25} Ivette - Yew tree

26} Ivah - Ruins

27} Ismay - Loved

28} Irja - Peace

29} Iowa - Sleepy ones

30} Imogen - Maiden

31} Isaura - from Isaura ☆

32} Inika - Little earth

33} Ingrid - Beautiful

34} Ilena - Giver of life

35} Irma - Strength

36} Isadora - Gift of Isis ☆

37} Ilsa - Pledged to God

38} Isolda - The fair

39} Ivory - Pure

40} Isolde - Fair one

41} Idalia - Diligent

42} Ionna - God's gift

43} Icelyn - Ruler of the winter storm ☆

44} Idalina - Working noble Idelle

45} Irmina - War Goddess

46} Irvette - Sea friend

47} Isane - Strong will

48} Isis - Egyptian Goddess

49} Iyla - Bright one

50} Iva - Good ☆

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