50 Shakespearean Girl Names

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1} Jessica - Merchant of Venice

2} Nerissa - Merchant of Venice ☆

3} Juliet - Romeo and Juliet ☆

4} Gertrude - Hamlet

5} Adrian - The Tempest 

6} Alice - Henry V

7} Dion - The Winters Tale

8} Diana - All's Well It Ends Well

9} Olivia - The Twelfth Night

10} Isabella - Measure for Measure ☆

11} Juno - The Tempest

12} Titania - A Mid Summers Dream

13} Viola - The Twelfth Night

14} Protia - Merchant of Venice ☆

15} Morgan - Cymbeline ☆

16} Iris - The Tempest ☆

17} Imogen - Cymbeline

18} Julia - The Two Gentlemen in Verona 

19} Helena - A Mid Summers Dream

20} Hermione - A Winters Tale

21} Emilia - The Comedy of Errors, The Winter's Tale, Othello, The Two Noble Kinsmen

22} Desdemona - Anthony and Cleopatra

23} Celia - As You Like It

24} Audrey - As You Like It

25} Ariel - The Tempest ☆

26} Albany - King Lear ☆

27} Bianca - The Taming of the Shrew, Othello

28} Cassandra - Troilus and Cressida

29} Isidora - Timon of Athens

30} Margaret -  1/2/3 Henry VI/Richard III, Much Ado About Nothing

31} Marina - Pericles

32} Regan - King Lear ☆

33} Rosaline - Loves Labour's Lost

34} Ursula - Much Ado About Nothing

35} Robin - A Midsummers Dream, Merry Wives of Windsor

36} Octavia - Anthony and Cleopatra

37} Katherine - Henry VIII

38} Lavinia - Titus Andronicus 

39} Eleanor - King John

40} Elizabeth - Henry VIII, 3 Henry VI, Richard III

41} Ceres - The Tempest

42} Dolabella - Anthony and Cleopatra

43} Jupiter - Cymbeline 

44} Maria - Love's Labour's Lost, Twelfth Night

45} Ophelia - Hamlet

46} Paulina - The Winter's Tale

47} Phebe - As You Like It

48} Silvia - The Two Gentlemen in Verona

49} Valeria - Coriolanus

50} Aliena - As You Like It ☆

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