Remus and the Mirror

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Remus and Freya sat cross-legged on the floor of the owlery, a wizard chess board and huge pile of chocolate in the middle of them.

Freya was wearing dark blue dungarees with tiny white stars on them. Remus couldn't help but remember their night under the stars, and how he couldn't wait until his next opportunity to kiss Freya again. 

He looked at her lips, and remembered them against his own. 

Her lips were moving. He had zoned out.

Remus shook his head and brought himself back to reality.

"Sorry, what did you say?" Remus asked.

"I said it's your turn." Freya smiled, nodding at the wizard's chess board.

Remus hadn't paid attention to her last move. His eyes scanned the board, and he quickly knew what her plan was, but he didn't have the heart to stop her.

Remus simply moved a pawn, allowing her to complete her final move.

"Check mate!" She shouted, getting up and jumping around as Remus's king was smashed into tiny pieces.

Remus watched as the owls scattered out of her way, leaving feathers floating gently down to the ground in their wake, and she gently glided back down onto the floor in front of him.

With a simple wave of Remus's wand, the pieces floated back together, fixing the pieces and returning them to their starting positions.

Remus turned his wand to the air and froze the feathers in their tracks. They lingered for a moment, the sunlight hitting the soft white tufts making them glow. Silently, he flicked his wand and the feathers began to swirl again.

"You're going to have to teach me that too." She said, watching him in awe.

"How to freeze the feathers?" Remus asked in confusion.

"No silly. Wordless magic." She laughed as she got up from the floor.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Come on." She said, gesturing to the door, but not telling him where they were heading.

Remus followed Freya back down into the main part of the castle. They walked through the corridors in a comfortable silence, and Remus didn't quite know how it happened, but they were suddenly in a secret passageway.

"Where are we?" He whispered. 

Remus thought he knew every inch of this castle. He was currently mapping it all out. He made a mental note to re-discover this passageway with James, Sirius and Peter so that they could accurately add it to the map.

Freya turned around and gave Remus a knowing smile. He would have to wait to find out.

At the end of the long narrow passageway was a small wooden door. Remus had to duck to get through it, but once inside he discovered a large room full of unusual objects.

Freya pulled out her wand and whispered a spell Remus couldn't quite make out, and a harp which he had not noticed in the corner of the room started to gently play. The main attraction of the room was a large ornate mirror situated in the centre. 

"I read about this mirror in my first year, and knew that it was somewhere at Hogwarts but I hadn't found it until this year." Freya said, her hands softly stroking the gold edging.

"What's so special about it?" Remus asked.

Freya took a deep breath.

"Look in it and find out."

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