Remus and the Prank Wars

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It was the beginning of March and little yellow daffodils had appeared all over the school grounds. The mornings and evenings were getting lighter, and bird song had began to fill the air.

Remus was relieved that the winter was finally over. The weather was getting warmer, the days were getting longer, and every day brought him closer to summer.

One morning, as the four boys were putting their robes on, James came up with another one of his fantastic ideas.

"Prank wars." He suggested as he did up his red and gold tie.

"What?" Peter asked, confused by the sudden exclamation with no context.

"I think we should have a prank war. It's been ages since we played a good prank. We should have a competition. Who can play the biggest and best prank?" James elaborated.

"What's the prize?" Peter asked, suddenly invested. 

"Ultimate bragging rights?" Sirius suggested as he brushed his thick black hair.

The four boys agreed that they would have one week to plan and execute their pranks. 

Remus started brainstorming straight away.

That evening in the library, Freya watched him as he scribbled enthusiastically on a piece of parchment, smirking manically to himself, before frowning, crossing a line through it all, scrunching it up into a ball, and repeating. Several times. 

"What are you doing?" She asked, full of curiousity.

He looked up at her and his eyes widened in realisation.

"That's it!" He exclaimed a little too loudly considering that they were in the library, which was fairly full. He then returned to his scribbling, an evil smile on his usually angelic face.

Freya decided not to ask again and returned to her book.

Remus had decided that he wanted his prank to incorporate magical creatures of some sort. They had recently been learning about nifflers. Nifflers were small black creatures. They looked cute, but they could cause mischief. They were attracted to anything shiny, which meant they were great at finding treasure, but an absolute nuisance if they found their way indoors.

Remus knew that there was currently a cage full of them in one of the greenhouses. He just hadn't known what to do with them. Until now.

He had thought about letting them loose in the Slytherin common room, but he knew that the Slytherin's were likely to be the target of one of the other boys pranks already... And he had recently found his way into the Ravenclaw common room, and he was convinced that he would be able to do it again.

Remus had decided that was his plan. He was going to release the nifflers into the Ravenclaw common room.

Remus was correct in his assumption that the Slytherin's would already be targeted by one of his friends. That evening, Sirius decided to turn the steps descending to the Slytherin common room in the dungeons into a slippery slide.

The next morning at breakfast, all of the Slytherin tables were empty.

Whispers and confused glances filled the hall.

"What is going on?" James asked, a little confused.

"I see that my prank has worked." Responded Sirius, biting into a croissant with a smug look on his face.

"What did you do, Padfoot?" Peter asked, gnawing on his fingernails.

Sirius told them all about how he had sneaked out late last night and turned the steps into a slippery slide. 

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