Lesson Twenty

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Lesson Twenty - Never Be Scared Not To Be The Smartest Person In The Room. How Else Would You Learn To Grow.

Not having seen my dad for a few days I walked into his study and found him working away on his laptop. My dad didn't go to my mothers wedding for obvious reason but he was away to a meeting in London anyway. Though he probably did that on purpose to make sure he wasn't here. The paparazzi would probably have been torturing him too. Wanting to know what he thought about his ex wife's marriage to his business rival.

"Hey, sweetie." He said when he noticed me walk in. He closed the laptop over and got up from his seat.

"Hey dad." I gave him a warm hug welcoming him home. "How was your meeting."

He rolled his eyes and that made me laugh slightly. "Same shit, just a different day."

My dad was a very handsome man but for some reason he looked older today. Clearly something was working away at him and I didn't like it. Any stress of his could be a future problem of mine.

"What's wrong?" He looked at me slightly surprised I noticed, but I notice everything. He of all people should know that by now.

"Nothing." He said waving me off. "The lawyers were just giving me a update on the issue with your mother. They said they are close to getting the business shares that she got from the marriage off her hands."

I knew that wasn't really what seemed to have gotten him so worked up. After all that was good news and he looked like someone had just burned down his factory. I knew though that when my dad didn't want to talk about something he wouldn't. So I didn't press the matter. He would tell me at some point anyway. He always did.

He then turned to face me, a fake smile on his face. "How was the wedding?"

I rolled my eyes. The same eyes that I got from him. "I'm sure you know. It was very over the top but of course that's the way mother would've wanted it."

"I heard you and Riker spent a lot of time together."

Of course he would find that out. The question was how did he know.

"How did you guess that?"

He give me a knowing look. One that a dad would give you when he was both trying to stay out of something but always giving you a warning. "The wedding was all over the news and the paparazzi were taking great interest in you and Riker. More so when you both showed up together."

I was running my fingers along the hundreds of books that was in the bookcases around the room. I was trying to act disinterested in the conversation. I didn't want him thinking I was sleeping with the enemy or something.

"That was mother's idea. She wanted to pair us up because I'm her only daughter and Riker is the Heir to Xavier's Empire after all."

My dad sighed out in defeat knowing I was going to do what I wanted anyway. "Just be careful with him."

I looked at my dad carefully. He knew. He knew what Xavier's business was all about.

"You knew about what they really do don't you?"

I couldn't believe my dad would keep something like that from me. After all if I was to take over his company I would need to know everything that he knows. How am I meant to face these things in the future if he doesn't even tell me what is going on around our families Empire.

"Of course." He shrugged pausing for a moment before sitting down in his leather seat and opening his laptop again. "I know far more about Xavier and what he does than you think."

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