Lesson Seventeen

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Lesson Seventeen - You Never Will Be Perfect But Always Be Yourself.

It had been two days since I was rescued.

My mother had done nothing but try to fuss over me. I say the word 'try' because I pushed her out of my room and locked the door anytime she tried to come in.

She had even tried climbing over to my balcony from the one next door. It would've been funny on a normal day but I wasn't in the mood so I just closed the blinds on her.

Plus I wasn't stupid, her wedding was tomorrow all she really wanted to do was to talk about it.

My dad on the other hand knew I needed my space. He greeted me home, quickly took in the sight of me and as soon as he seen that I was fine, other than a few bruises and cuts he sighed in relief and let me go on my way.

There was someone who was annoying me more than my mother and I wasn't sure what to think about the situation or his presence. Walking out my front door there he was again leaning again his motorbike swinging the keys in his tattooed hand.

Riker Kennedy.

"I've been seeing too much of you lately, Kennedy."

Closing the door behind me I acted like his presence didn't even bother me.

When in reality my mind was going a hundred miles an hour in my own thoughts.

He stopped swinging the keys in his hand and looked at me carefully. I knew I looked a mess but I didn't care. I had a red mark on my cheek from where Max had hit me but I had done a pretty good job at covering it with my makeup.

The one I was most worried about were the ones on my wrists. The marks were ugly and red, the only visible sign that anything had happened. There was also a deep cut on my stomach but it was covered and the only people that knew about that were the people that were told.

Which was my dad and maid who helped me bandage it every morning.

"You look like death."

Rolling my eyes at his remark, he smirked at me knowing that acting normal around me was what I needed right now.

I was sick of people walking around like I could break at any moment.

There was no way I would break.

Thoughts were running around in my head but not as a damsel who can't get over it. No, I was already planning my next move. I wanted to know who they were and what they truly wanted.

There was no doubt that someone had set that whole thing up and I wanted to know who.

In the end though I couldn't help but grin at Riker's actions.

As much as I hated it, he was the only person that hadn't been treating me any differently lately. Even Damon was watching me like a hawk waiting for some sort of breakdown or something else to happen.

"Thanks that's what I was going for. The fresh look of a corpse."

He chuckled under his breath and threw the keys out towards me. I looked at them and noticed that it was my BMW I8 keys.

My baby and the car that I had left at the car park that night.

"I collected the car when I found out. You dropped your keys in the car park that night. I knew even if you died and someone stole that car you would come back and hunt all off our asses."

Looking around I noticed the car sitting a bit further down the driveway. I sighed in relief. It was something that was a sense of normality.

"You ok princess?"

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