Chapter 18: Meow

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"Okay, these things are delicious." I admitted.

"We told you that you've been missing out." Drake smiled. 

I had just finished my fourth s'more of the night. They were super unhealthy, but boy, were they good. They were sweet, and soft, and warm...

Speaking of warm; Andrew was still holding my hand. I don't know what was going on, but I didn't bother moving my hand either. 

"Why don't you guys dress up for Halloween?" I asked out of the bloom. 

"I don't know. It just never was part of the tradition." Tyler answered. 

"Oh. Well, I brought cat ears in case all you guys were super dressed up." I laughed, taking out two pairs of black cat ears from my bag. 

"I want to be a cat!" Andrew exclaimed, grabbing one of the ears from my hand. He carefully placed the head piece onto his head. 

"Good?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Good." I smiled. More than good. 

"I have eyeliner! Why don't I draw you some whiskers?" Jamie said, jumping from her seat. She uncapped her eyeliner and crouched down. "Now hold still." she commanded. She held Andrew's chin with one hand and drew on a black nose and whiskers with the other. "Perfect." 

She stepped back and I got to see what the result was. Lets just say Andrew can be a very attractive cat. 

"I can draw some for you too, if you'd like." Jamie told me. 

"Sure, why not." I smiled. Jamie quickly drew my share of cat features. I put on my other pair of cat ears. 

"Aww! You guys look so cute!" Hannah awed. I looked over at Andrew and he was looking at me with a big, silly grin on his face. 

"Picture time." he stated. He took out his camera from his camera bag. I scooched closer to him as he outstretched his arm. Once we took the shot, Andrew showed me the picture.

"We're some good looking cats, if I do say so myself." Andrew chuckled. I smiled at the picture; it was quite adorable. I meowed. I don't know why, but I guess I just liked the idea of being  cat.

"Did you just meow at me?" Andrew laughed. 

"Yep." I nodded, "I'm a cat. Meow!" 

Andrew smiled. "Well, I'm a cat too." he stated. He started to purr and rub his temple against Kyle's shoulder. I rolled my eyes at his silliness as Kyle stared at Andrew in confusion. 

"I can be a cat as well!" Max announced. He started to lick the back of his hand like cats do. Then he looked at Jamie with a sparkle in his eyes, and he did the unexpected. He licked Jamie's cheek. 

"Eww! What the heck!" Jamie laughed, wiping her face with her hand. "Bad cat!" she scolded. Max whined and kissed her cheek. 

"I'm a good cat." he stated, rubbing his nose against hers. 

"Okay, that's enough you two. Stop being so lovey, or get a room." Drake teased. The group of us laughed as Jamie blushed fiercely. 

We talked around the campfire for a long time, until the fire's orange flames started to simmer down and the group wanted to skate around. 

"Can you skate?" Hannah asked me, hopping onto her bike. 

I felt like a loser at that moment. Everyone around me had their bikes, scooters, or skateboards. They all knew how to do at least the simplest trick, even Andrew. 

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